Sons of God mating with paganistic females:

Nephilims, are they offspring of fallen angels and human females? (Jesus says the angels * IN HEAVEN* don’t have sex, but the angels *ON EARTH* did proven in the old testament, aka “fallen angels”).


Giant ring

Giant bracelet.

Giant ring, bracelet, and crown. Which King is large enough to wear them?

King Gilgamesh, aka Nimrod, the great-grandson of Noah, was a master builder and is the reason why multiple languages and cultures are created after the flood. He built a tower so high to reach the heavens, called the tower of Babylon, to be flood-proof (according to historian Josephus) to defy God. And was dispersed after (continents divided).

Click here for source.

The claim that Gilgamesh is the inspiration for Noah’s flood is inaccurate, their story has more differences than similarities.

Artifacts of preflood and postflood Giants.

Click here for 640 bc Assyrian art above.

Why carve 800 tons of hard granite of Giants coexisting with normal-sized humans just to lie?



Nubian pyramid artifact.

In the book of Amos 2:9 (2,000+ bc) the giants were over 120 feet tall (like a cedar tree).

500+ years later in the book of numbers 13:33 (1,450 bc) would be around 30 feet to 90 feet (humans were like grasshoppers in their sight).

450 years later (1,000 bc) became much shorter, Goliath was measured around 10 feet tall.

The decline of age and size of humans (including giants) were not instantaneous. Men began living at extreme height and age in the beginning, then began dying shorter and younger over time.

The tallest man recorded in 1940 (Robert Wadlow, 9 feet) will never be beaten now or in the future (unless they lie).

170 feet tall statue of buddha in Afghanistan (below) is an accurate depiction of the Nephilim’s height in 2,000 bc.

150 feet tall Giants are not outrageous unless you’re ignorant. A dragonfly used to be as big as a duck, proven with fossils. And ancient trees can literally reach the sky.

Dumb “experts” claim these are extinct volcanoes, dried magma, igneous intrusion, etc. Only gullible dummies believe that, no dried magma shapes after a tree.

These fossilized trees was over 1,500 feet tall. So it makes sense that the giant men were over 100 feet tall, just as the cedar tree today are 16x taller than men.

Why were these giant trees cut off? I red a claim that a “lost” book of Ezra says these trees were cut off by angels to prevent the giants from climbing it and surviving the global flood, but I have no proof.

Urup, fossilized tree (North of Japan).

Instead of “aliens” or “lost technology” which mainstream media loves to brainwash the public, the 100 foot tall Giants explains how 1,000 ton stones were moved in Baalbek Lebanon, home of the false God “Baal”. There was no lost technology, they traveled with chariots. The mechanism for machinery and transportation operates the same way, so if they use chariots then there’s no lost technology.

Extremely strong giants using tools can explain those monolithic monuments.

Below are stacked by Giants, which lying “experts” claim was created “naturally” but can’t demonstrate their claim.


CHAPTER 5: Conclusion.

Archeology, science of geology, history, logic, population growth, and common sense prove earth is not much older than 6,000 years.

If you believe Earth is older then you have to explain why there’s no population growth in millions of years (did they get pregnant at 10,000 years old and were wiped out to extinction thousands of times by asteroids to explain the non existent population growth 400,000,000 years ago? Humor me.).

Brainwashed evolutionists can’t demonstrate their fairy tale, they lack common sense and are only good at regurgitating what their masters told them.

Public school education is making people dumber.

They love hiding the truth such as making a FALSE version of St Nicholas called Santa Claus and confusing the 12 apostles with the 12 constellations of stars/zodiac (Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, etc.)

And the fake version is more popular.

There are currently 88 constellations of the zodiac. Why not add more instead of just 12?(Leo, Capricorn, Aries, etc maybe add the name ‘Covid19’.)

There’s no such thing as ‘ONLY’ 12 constellations.

12 zodiacs can also represent 12 months of the year. This shouldn’t be confused with the 12 apostles, or 12 ribs on the side of your body. God uses the number 12 a lot mysteriously.

Expanding Earth is the truth so don’t be fooled into believing the overpopulation and abortion lie, Earth is growing and there’s room for every person born.


Brainwashed Christians claim “fine tuning” disagrees with expanding earth and insist continents drift like a boat (Ken Ham, brainwashed Catholics, etc.) because they lack common sense.

You’re finely tuned, but it doesn’t mean the distance between your heart and brain always remains the same (200 lbs weight loss & growth from infancy to adulthood repositions your internal organs as your body expanded or shrink, but it doesn’t mean you aren’t finely tuned).

The global flood can *ONLY* be explained with expanding earth otherwise they can’t explain where all the floodwaters went after, they don’t disappear into outer space.

A dummy claim Genesis 6:3 isn’t referring to the decline of human age but a countdown to when the global flood will happen. God cannot punish a man BEFORE he commits a crime. God saw the wickedness of man in Genesis 6:5, He was angered in Genesis 6:6 and decided to flood them in Genesis 6:7. You cannot impose a death sentence BEFORE a crime happened.

Global flood isn’t the only option, God could steadily dropped the water and expanded earth slowly without drowning anyone. The flood is the result of men’s rebellion. God can’t be charged with murder or destruction of life and property because He created both.

This brings up predetermination, they’ll say it contradicts the Bible because God is “ALL KNOWING (OMNISCIENT)”

God created men knowing ahead of time they’ll sin and go to hell because He knows everything including the future (omniscient), therefore God is evil and freewill is not real’- Atheists.

Does God have the power to choose ignorance or is He powerless and weak? Is God a slave to knowledge with no power to reject it like you and me? Do you believe God is weaker than you and can’t choose ignorance?’- Me.

“Omniscient” is NOT biblical. it’s a new invention (1598, Websters). Infinity IS biblical (click here).

Omniscience (to know about things that don’t exist yet) defies creation.

The point of “creation” (whether creating a thought or materials) is to obtain what you DID NOT HAVE BEFORE.

If the knowledge or materials already exists, then you didn’t create it.

To CREATE thoughts or materials means you did NOT have it before.

Therefore creation defies omniscience.

Infinity also defies omniscience.

By containing “infinity” and labeling it as “omniscient”, it ceases to be infinity, like labeling a growing toddler as 12 inches tall forever.

The words “knowing everything” is fixed, i.e. “Everything in your house…. Everything in the universe… Everything in your brain… Everything in a book”. Infinity is not fixed.

A fixed height of 4 feet tall cannot be “infinitely tall” at the same time.

Omniscient (knows everything) and Infinity contradict each other so God cannot be both. God is NOT omniscient but He is infinite.

Infinite life (immortality) doesn’t mean God can’t limit Himself in other areas.

Does God have limits? Yes, He’s not a lawless thug like you and me.

It’s impossible for God to kill Himself. God can’t remove His kindness. God can’t separate His love for us. God can’t turn Satan into God. God can’t create Himself.

Does it mean God is not great? No. Making decisions and limiting Himself by choice [discipline] makes Him great.

Does it contradict the words ‘NoTHING is impossible with God?’

No. Createdthings‘ can be manipulated without limits (to the creator) like the laws of physics, etc.

What’s impossible for God are NOT CREATED THINGS but ACTIONS (impossible for Him to kill Himself [He’s eternal] impossible for Him to break his vows [He’s kind] etc.)

How did God learn the evil in Sodom and Gomorrah? Was it by magic? No. God had to investigate, Genesis 18:21…



If God wants to know about your future, with His immeasurable intelligence, He can, but if He don’t want to then He don’t have to either…

God can choose ignorance just like you.


255+ dogmas of the Catholic church does NOT include “omniscience ” or “slave to knowledge” (click here).

1 John 3:20, God knows the details of our lives and everything around us, even knowing when a sparrow falls or when we lose a single hair (Matthew 10:29-30).

But that does NOT mean God is a slave to knowledge and can’t choose ignorance.

God knows everything in history and can even carve out the future (Isaiah 46:9-10, Psalm 147:5), is outside of time (Exodus 3:14; Psalm 90:2), knows even our thoughts, even before we speak (Psalm 139:4). He knows our hearts from afar; He even saw us in the womb (Psalm 139:1-3, 15-16). Solomon expresses this perfectly when he says, “For you, you only, know the hearts of all the children of mankind” (1 Kings 8:39).

And again none of these says God knows %100 of the future.

We now know trees can produce both good and bad fruits, but which fruit will go bad may not be available to God because we’re *CREATED* and judgment day is yet to come.

Genesis 6:6the LORD regretted that he had made men, and his heart was deeply troubled.”

Numbers 14:11 “How long will these people treat me with contempt? How long will they refuse to believe in me, in spite of all the signs I have performed among them?”

Did you read that? God did not know how long they’ll treat him with contempt. Therefore our *INFINITE CREATOR* is not omniscient.

(sources below)


Note: “Oil/gasoline” doesn’t come from dinosaur fossils. You can make fuel from plastic (click here), grass, garbage (click here), meat, vegetables, etc. It’s all in the “processing” (fermentation) that’s why you can run engines with alcohol.

1470. Paulo Uccello. Notice the 3 front claws on the foot is identical to a dinosaur. Maybe a raptor.

Yamon cave, Peru. Dinosaurs co-existed with men.


Golan heights artifact.



DINOSAUR RED BLOOD CELLS. Not millions of years old.


Secular historians who described dinosaurs= Alexander the great after slaying a dragon, Chinese philosopher Wang Fu, historian Flavius Josephus, Greek researcher Herodotus, and there’s more!

But I’ll focus on two= Marco Polo & Pliny the elder.

Marco Polo described dragons as having 3 claws ranging from 6 feet to over 50 feet tall, crocodiles have 5 claws.

Pliny the Elder, a naturalist, natural philosopher and a naval army commander of the early Roman Empire (23 A.D to 79 A.D.) spent most of his time studying natural and geographic phenomena. He wrote an encyclopedic work, Naturalis Historia consisting of 37 books covering mathematics, geography, anthropology, zoology, botany, agriculture, pharmacology, mineralogy, and more. You can buy his book on Amazon today, I added the photo link below.

In Book Eight are detailed information about “dragons.” It also contains information about Crocodiles, Serpents, and other reptiles, ruling out these as candidates for the dragon.

Book Eight: Chap. XI: “Elephants breed in that part of Affricke which lyeth beyond the deserts….India bringeth fouth the biggest: as also the dragons that are continually at variance with them, and evermore fighting, and those of such greatnesse, that they can easily claspe and wind round about the Elephants, and withall tye them fast with a knot. In this conflict they die, both the one and the other:”

“the Elephant hee falls downe dead as conquered, and with his hea vie weight crusheth and squeaseth the dragon that his wound and wreathed about him.”

Chapter XII: “…the dragons ware hereof, entangle and snarle his feet and legges first with their taile: the Elephants on the other side, undoe those knots wiht their trunke as with a hand….the principall thing the dragons make at is the eye…Now these dragons are so big withall, that they be able to receive all the Elephants bloud. Thus they are sucked drie, untill they fall down dead…”

Chapter XIII: “In Ethyopia there be as great dragons bred, as in India, namely twentie cubits long (approx. 30 feet).”

Also noted in chapter XIIII is the following interesting quote:

Megasthenes writeth, that there be serpents among the Indians to that bignesse, that they are able to swallow stags or buls all whole….Attilius Regulaus, generall under the Romanes, during the warres against the Carthaginians, assailed a Serpent neere the river Bagrada, which caried in length 120 foot…

Good blog to read:




CHAPTER 6: Flat earth psyops & the correct interpretation of Genesis 1-3.

Scultpure of Holy Catholic Charlemagne holding a earth as ball in 800 ad.

Bible-believers NEVER believed the earth is flat. Genesis (300+ bc) used the calendar which determines the ROTATION of planets, describing the days, weeks, months, and years in great detail. Nobody who understand the ROTATION OF PLANETS in the calendar believes the earth is flat.

Ancient men can eloquently read, interpret, and spell words correctly (Bible authors), built refrigerated pyramids, carve statues out of gold, create boats made of wood without nails carrying 100+ tons of supplies while battling against storms and not sink, none of them believes the earth is flat.

300 AD Christian temple (Hamat Tiberias, Israel) depicting the earth as a ball.

Global flood is proof of a ball earth. For everything to be under water as described in Genesis 7, earth has to be a ball. A flat earth can never be completely under water because water would fall off the edges. If there’s a giant wall holding waters in place, the wall won’t be under water unlike Genesis 7.

Ecclesiastes 1:6 proves a ball earth. To draw a FLAT circle you have to move your hand east north or west south, not just north to south. Since they believe the earth is round (Isaiah 40:22) it proves they believe the earth is a ball.

Leviticus 19:27 states your head has corners, it doesn’t mean your head is flat.

Hairstylist cut the corners of your hair, it doesn’t mean your head is flat. Corners of swimming pool and round aquarium are curved. Having corners doesn’t mean it’s flat.

4 corners of the Earth means North South East West. Millions use a compass and believe in 4 corners of the Earth, but it doesn’t mean they’re flat earthers.

A flat circle cannot be *BETWEEN* day and night as Job 26:10 stated, even if the sun is small like a bus, only a ball earth can do that.

Atheists brings up Matthew 4:8, when Satan tempted Jesus and showed him the world’s *Kingdom* from the highest mountain, as evidence the bible is a flat earth book, but it only proves they lack common sense. This is a supernatural event and Satan even asked Jesus to turn a rock into a bread (Matthew4:3). If this is a natural event, how could anyone see the entire kingdom of the world from one mountain in a flat earth measuring 20,000 miles wide? Highest mountain today is 5 miles and clouds are 1.2 to 5 miles above the ground which blocks your view. To see further, the mountain have to be higher than 5 miles and by then everything will be too tiny to be recognizable by your naked eye.

Atheists claim the bible teaches the earth don’t move, using the scriptures below:

“Psalm 96:10: “He has fixed the earth firm, immovable …”

“Psalm 104:5: “Thou didst fix the earth on its foundation so that it never can be moved.

The word “earth” in scripture does not mean the entire planet. Genesis 1:10 defines the word “earth”:

(Genesis 1:10, KJV)

“And God called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of the waters He called Seas: and God saw that it was good.”

The word “earth” in scripture only means *DRY LAND*, it does NOT mean all the continents, seas, and sky aka “the entire planet”.

If you pitch a tent on dry land, do you wake up the next day in another location? No. Dry land is fixed. Your house is fixed where you built it, the castles and houses erected thousands of years ago are still found where they are today (unless water, wind, and other means carried them away).

Atheists either take them out of context or misinterpret them. Let’s take the entire context of Psalm 104 where the quote “earth is immovable” is found.

Psalm 104:

“Bless the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, thou art very great; thou art clothed with honour and majesty.

Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain:

Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters: who maketh the clouds his chariot: who walketh upon the wings of the wind:

Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire:

Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be moved.

Thou coveredst it with the deep as with a garment: the waters stood above the mountains.

Psalm 104 is poetic, otherwise, how can you be “clothed” with honor and majesty literally? Emotions are not made of cotton or silk. How can you literally stretch the heavens like a curtain? You can’t touch heaven. You cannot literally ride a cloud-like you do a Chariot, clouds don’t have wheels. The wind does not have literal wings. Waters cannot stand up because it does not have literal legs.

Atheists cannot differentiate between figure of speech or actual event. They’ll bring up biblical dreams, then attack it because it’s impossible such as the dream of Saint John in Revelation “how could a city float in his dream?! City don’t float! The bible is a lie!” Or the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4:11, “How could he dream a tree who’s branches are visible in every corner of the earth! That means they believe the earth is flat!”.

Dreams are *symbolical*, common sense.

Lastly, they’ll type Revelation 1:7 (Jesus seen by all eyes in His return) as evidence the bible is a flat earth book but remove the supernatural side of it and ignoring Revelation as a SYMBOLICAL DREAM of Saint John. If not supernatural, how can Jesus be visible to all men from a FLAT earth measuring 20,000 miles? Jesus needs to be 500 miles tall to be seen in all corners of a flat Earth. Using light (television) we can see 1 person in the entire world. Padre Pio possessed “bilocation” where he’ll be in church in one location and be seen miles away in another location at the same time. Isn’t God greater?

To answer *ALL* biblical questions, ask catholic answers or Protestant pastors (Don’t ask them scientific questions or they might tell you continents drifted like a boat.)

Correct interpretation of Genesis 1 to 3.

Is Genesis about a literal talking snake tempting a woman to eat apples?

The original Hebrew word “serpent” is= נָחָשׁ (nachash), and this doesn’t exclusively mean “serpent”. Throughout the Old Testament nachash is used to refer to powerful, even gigantic creatures.

Isaiah calls the nachash a sea dragon, the great Leviathan (see Isaiah 27:1).

Job also uses nachash to depict terrible sea monsters (see Job 26:13). How can a sea creature hang around a tree and tempt Eve?

In the New Testament St. John explains how, “the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan” (Revelation 12:9). In this passage, St. John equates a dragon (Spákwv) to the serpent of the Garden. This association confirms the original Hebrew word “נָחָשׁ” (nachash) can be interpreted as other things besides a serpent.

The most terrifying entities in ancient days were the serpents and dragons (dinosaurs). This is Marco Polo’s description in 1271:

“their whole appearance is so formidable, that neither man nor any kind of animal can approach them without terror”.

Let’s say you’re the interpreter of נָחָשׁ (nachash) in 2020, the most terrifying individuals today could be the Mexican cartels (or isis?). So you may say “the cartels tempted Eve”.

How about the fruit in Genesis? Does it mean the “serpent” wanted Eve to eat a literal fruit? Nope. The word fruit is commonly referred to throughout the Bible as “works” such as the quote “you know a man by their fruits” (Matthew 7:16). This doesn’t mean men have apples or oranges coming out of their armpit or other body parts.

The “deceiver” (who you imagined to be a talking snake) tempted Eve to commit a forbidden act (‘eat the fruit’), and that forbidden act could be anything.

Genesis 1:

In Genesis 1:2, earth was formless, dark, without shape. In Genesis 1:3 God said “let there be light“, this created the circular shape of the earth giving us day and night.

“Darkness to light” is “formless to form, chaos to order, unorganized to organize, alphabet to language, etc.”

So there’s 2 types of light, one in Genesis 1:3, the “information light” that formed the shape of earth and the DNA of seed bearing plants and trees (Genesis 1:11). The other type of light are the stars and the sun to give us the calendar, sacred times, and seasons (Genesis 1:14).

Source of that “information” light (Genesis 1:3) is God, who’s described as a fire (Exodus 3:2).

30+ passages described God as a fire like the sun.

Exodus 13:21.

“The Lord was going before them in a pillar of cloud by day to lead them on the way, and in a pillar of fire by night to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night.”

Nehemiah 9:12.

“And with a pillar of cloud, You led them by day,
and with a pillar of fire by night.
To light for them the way,
in which they were to go.”


(Genesis 15:17, Numbers 9:15, Acts 7:30, Daniel 7:9, Exodus 24:17, Exodus 19:18, Deuteronomy 5:4-26, Deuteronomy 9:10, Deuteronomy 10:4, Deuteronomy 4:12-36, Psalm 50:3, 1 Kings 19:12, Hebrews 12:18, 2 Samuel 22:13, Psalm 18:12, Nehemiah 9:19, Numbers 14:14, Deuteronomy 1:33, Psalm 78:14, Psalm 105:39, Isaiah 4:5, Exodus 40:38, Revelation 15:2, Exodus 14:24, Isaiah 66:15.)

In Genesis 1:9 God gathered the *waters* in one place *and then* dry land appeared *afterwards*. Highlighted because of stupid protestant Christians claiming this is proof of 1 giant supercontinent Pangea theory. Waters gathered in one place surrounded by dry land are identical to a swimming pool in your yard. When you gather water in one place, it does not mean you gathered dry land into one place and call it Pangea.

These old dinosaur Christians (Ken Ham, Walter Brown, etc.) misinterpret the bible in order to fit secular Pangea theory in the bible (they modified Pangea and called their own version ‘hydroplate theory’ which is continents drifting like a boat very fast, speedboat style to support young-earth creationism as opposed to slow gradual process that took millions of years. Both hydroplate and Pangea theory are wrong. Hydroplate theory got 2 things right, the separation happened fast and underwater, that’s it, everything else is copied from Pangea theory hoax).

There’s no Pangea in the bible.

These wolves in sheep’s clothing misinterpret Genesis like flat earthers, to favor secular worldview.

Then God finally created the constellation of the stars, sun, and the moon to replace him ‘partially‘ until He returns for ‘harvest’ or judgment day, as prophesied in Revelation 21:23.

(God didn’t abandon the world completely just as He didn’t abandon Adam & Eve completely after the fall. He still clothed and sustained them (Genesis 3:21), just as He sustains earth & the universe today causing it to expand).

Genesis 3:

Interpretation of the woman coming from the ribs.

There are 12 ribs in the side of a human body. Woman is taken from the “side” of man as “1 of the 12 ribs” (Genesis 2: 21-22).

The “woman” then betrayed “man” by eating the “fruit” (Genesis 3:6-7).

“Fruits” quote is interpreted as “works”. She ate the forbidden “fruit”, aka she committed a forbidden action that made her more intelligent, becoming like God, knowing good and evil (Genesis 3:5-6)

God then put enmity between the woman and the serpent, she will crush the serpent’s head as it’s written.

(Genesis 3:15-16)

The “woman” betraying the man is a prophecy of Jesus being betrayed by the church (the 12 apostles). Judas instigated it then all apostles betrayed him. (Mark 14:50).

The 12 apostles are the CHURCH (woman).

12 “ribs”, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 apostles, 12 stones, 12 stars…

Biblical evidence:

(Revelation 12:1)

“A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun……a crown of 12 stars on her head.”

(Revelation 21:14)

“The city had 12 foundation stones, and on them were the 12 apostles of the Lamb.”

(Exodus 24:4)

“Moses built an altar at the foot of the mountain with 12 pillars for the 12 tribes of Israel

(Revelation 21:1-27)

“And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride (“the woman”) adorned for her husband.

Garden of Eden as a symbol for the human heart…..

(Genesis 2:10)

“A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into 4 headwaters”..

The heart has 4 chambers..

(Genesis 3:24)

“He drove out the man, and at the EAST of the GARDEN OF EDEN, he placed the cherubim and a flaming SWORD that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life.”

The heart is placed in the east of our body.

Biblical evidence:

(Revelation 1:16)

“….coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword“.

(Hebrews 4:12)

“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword (flaming sword is sharper than 2 edge sword) piercing to the division of soul and of spirit.”

(Revelation 19:15)

“…Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations”.

(Ephesians 6:17)

the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God“.

As over the road truck driver, living from state to state, I realize “Paradise” isn’t a land but the emotions you invested in. Nothing can bring happiness to anyone outside of the human heart.

The human heart is the garden of Eden that we’re forbidden to come back to, prevented by our conscience (flaming sword)…