Click here for my van build.

Real science, history, geology, population growth, archeology, and common sense prove Earth is only a few thousand years old, NOT billions of years old.

$500 reward if you can debunk this site=


The universe and all planets was smaller in the beginning, proving Genesis.

1.) Genesis 6:3. God will lower the age of men from over 900yo (Adam’s age) down to 120 years old. God *will* increase the size of earth & the universe to *about* 8x larger.

In a smaller universe, earth rotates around the sun faster so every year went by faster. 8x smaller means 8x faster yearly calendar so men’s age were 8x more than today.

Multiply the maximum lifespan today (120 years) by 8 and you’ll get 960 years (Preflood men’s age).

Telescopes prove the expansion of the universe. Pictured is a star losing brightness in different periods because it’s moving farther away.
“Scientists” believe the universe was tiny as a atom (singularity) and “expanded” after the big bang. They believe earth/universe expanded from the size of a atom.

2.) (Genesis 6:4) Giants existed then because Earth was smaller with weaker gravity like the moon.

3.) (Genesis 7). Global flood is real because a smaller earth is covered in ocean water.

4.) (Genesis 10:25- 11) Peleg was born and the land became divided. Nimrod then built the tower of Babel so high to defy a flood (according to Josephus) and was dispersed (continents divided) causing multiple languages to be created.

*Earth has to EXPAND to expose the dry land underwater.*

5.) It explains why Noah is the last man to live over 900 years after the flood because the universe is now bigger. All planets expanded=click here.


A smaller ball rotates 360° faster than a bigger ball. 24 hours today is only 3 hours on a 8x smaller earth (24 hrs ÷ 8 = 3). There’s no 24 hours a day at this time. The word “hour” and 24 hours was not invented until 1,000+ years after, in the days of King Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon (book of Daniel).

A day then wasn’t ‘shorter’ because weaker gravity *compensates* for their fewer hours.

If you can walk 8 miles a day, you can walk 64 miles a day on 8x weaker gravity, so Noah truly lived over 900 years equivalent today.

Like insect’s ‘fast’ life where in just 6 days they find a mate, start a family, and build a house (nest) which takes us 20+ years to accomplish.

Mainstream media claim Sumerian texts are older than the Torah, in reality it isn’t older than 2,000 bc (Abraham), details in Chapter 2.

(Note: if you red this far and isn’t profoundly shocked, then re-read them slowly because you didn’t understand them).

Where does Earth’s new landmass come from?

Popcorns and bread dough expands from energy like THE SUN…

A tiny egg yolk (earth) increases in size after absorbing the egg whites above it.


2 suns phenomenon, ‘sundog’ (Firmament).



Overcharged battery gains weight from the sun (solar panels), creating gas that needs to be punctured to escape.

All life are “solar panels” (photosynthesis) using the sun as fuel. Bacteria eats dead cells but if there isn’t any, they eat sunlight. Click here for details. If insects and plants eats sunlight and turns it into gas (methane, oxygen, etc), it means sunlight have mass just like fried chicken. You can’t eat something that don’t exist.

Gas turns into solid matter and carries weight [deposition].


Can we measure the amount of mass earth gained from the sun?

Let’s try.

My 12v air conditioner (AC) uses fuel from the sun alone (solar panels). Without the sun, at night, I need to run my generator using 1 gallon of gas to run the same AC. 1 gallon of gas is 6 lbs, because generator engines are very inefficient, let’s say 1/12 of 1 gallon (8 oz) is the equivalent energy compared to what we get from solar panels. So we need 8 ounce of energy from the sun to run my AC in 1 day. Let’s say my AC uses the same energy as a large tree daily from photosynthesis (8 ounce). How many trees are there in the entire world? QUINTILLIONS? Multiply 8 ounce by QUINTILLION. Then add QUINTILLION grasses, insects, flowers, etc which also use photosynthesis.

Possibly QUINTILLION pounds of new mass are added to earth from the sun daily… Coupled with the firmament of waters that caused the global flood (documented fact, more proof ahead), it’s enough to increase Earth’s size to 8x after thousands of years.

Volcanoes creating new masses are caused by gases from the sun.

REMINDER: Smaller earth in the beginning isn’t more dense just as infants aren’t more dense than adults, you grew after drinking milk for 1 year (global flood) then eating (sun’s energy aka photosynthesis) just like earth.

Earth’s growth was fast first then slowly after because the stretch marks are farther out.

Marked red is fast growth after the global flood between 2,300 to 2,600 BC that water erosion haven’t erased due to its large size just as stretch marks after pregnancy remains for years. Stretch marks are caused by the skin pulled *FAST* from gravity or excess movements.

Earth’s core is full of iron (Click here). When iron turns into rust due to water unity, it increases 8x in size forcing earth to expand, so powerful it can crack steel hull.

Expanding earth theory is over 100 years old, but they are suppressing it.

“Energy” & “light” are required for the universe to grow. Where that “fire” came from is revealed in Chapter 6.


The farther we go back in time, the faster the expansion speed is so there’s no room for millions of years.

If Earth’s size increased %75 in 4,500 years, by calculating the growth rate, it was created less than 3,000 years before that.

It’s a FACT that all continents connect to form a smaller Earth in the past, DEMONSTRATED in videos and photos using actual materials, not computer special effects. 

*5 more video experiments PROVING expanding earth is a FACT. Using paper, clay, & fruits to shape after actual maps. NOT cartoons, NOT drawings. NOT computer animations, NOT assumption. NOT a theory. NOT a guess but %100 demonstrated FACT.

It didn’t take millions of years otherwise water erosion would wipe out the stretch marks.







They claim “granite rocks” is what continental ‘plates’ are made out of which “drifts, slides, skate” on top of “stronger” basaltic rocks and magma.

They use CARTOONS as evidence, see video.








They were eating pizza when they invented plate tectonics. Pizza “crust” (Earth’s “crust”) on top of dinner “plate” (tectonics) on top of table cloth “mantle” (Earth’s “mantle”).

The (table cloth) Earth’s mantle is separate from the plate tectonics with earth’s (pizza) crust and they each move independently from each other.

The evidence for this lunacy is CARTOONS.

2nd “theory” is the floor acting like an INVISIBLE “conveyor belt” (subduction zones) which carries Africa, Australia, etc. for thousands of miles like a factory conveyor belt 😆

Third theory= Continents (Africa, Australia, etc) are detached at the bottom and drifts like a boat. Scientific words= Continental Drift. It then collides with other continents like a boat accident: Scientific words= Colliding continents (satellite images prove continents are attached at the bottom).

Earthquakes can’t cause SOFT masses of dirt to drift away and remain intact (to form the giant continent Pangea if put back together) because earthquakes *DESTROYS* the shape of the ground, *NOT* preserve it like cardboard puzzles.

Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are caused by gases escaping from Earth’s heated core. Demonstrate it by cooking food, watch it shake (earthquakes) when gases escape like volcanic explosion.

Earthquakes are only abundant near volcanoes and nowhere else, about 22 earthquakes a month in Mount Saint Helen (yes, it’s still active) click here for proof.

Volcanoes are like pimples, created after oil build up (gas build up) and released when agitated (earthquakes).

Click here for a hole in Russia expelling gas non-stop for 40+ years..

Where there are earthquakes and tsunamis, active volcanoes are nearby.

Most people are dumb believing in the “invisible” plate tectonics. They also believe invisible viruses from China are killing them (Chapter 8 exposes the virus hoax).

Expanding earth is like tree barks breaking apart when the tree expands and can all be reconnected if the tree is smaller.

Let’s mock them and say trees don’t expand.

The reason why the tree barks broke apart aka “Barker drift” (Continental drift), is because of a invisible “PLATE” (plate tectonics) under it (Again, earthquakes are caused by gasses escaping from Earth’s heated core, not by something invisible. That’s why most tsunamis are found in Asia, the result of earthquakes near Hawaii which contain the most volcanoes throughout the world).

The tree barks are called tree “CRUST” which is under a tree “MANTLE” and were all connected in the past as one giant bark called “PanStupidea” (Pangea). Underneath the tree barks is a invisible conveyor belt called subduction zones, which carries them from one corner to another. “Scientists” can prove this using CARTOONS.

The mother of all tree barks, PanStupidea (Pangea).

Experts says TREES DON’T GROW (planets didn’t grow), the tree barks simply drifted from one giant bark called “PanStupidea”. If you disagree then you’re a science denying conspiracy theorist.

Also, the “Barker drift” (Continental drift) will collide with other tree barks (Colliding continents) like bumping cars in Adventure parks.

End of parody..

Tree barks are not detached from the tree and do not drift, just as continents aren’t detached at the bottom and do not drift.

Rifts spreading at Himalayan/San Andreas fault are from earth expanding *FAST*, like pulling a hair *FAST* and the longer hair creates a kink (Himalayan) while the smaller hair remains straight (Australia after pulling from China). Continents behaving like a skateboard can’t recreate how mountains are formed.





“But I never heard of a scientist who believe earth is expanding or young. I’ll only believe it if Bill Nye the science guy & CNN agrees with it”.

Brainwashed retard..


Scientists are employed by corporations & politicians.


If everybody should follow the scientists who dominate “science” then everybody should be a bible believing Christian since MOST modern technology are invented by bible believers.

Microwave, washing machine, dryer, wireless, cars, conveyor belts, streetlights, sewing machines, and more are all invented by bible-believing Christians. Alan Turing didn’t invent computers which uses Christian technology, they claim his invention “inspired” the invention of modern computers, but that’s debatable.

(Expanding earth/universe in the Bible= Psalm 104:2, Isaiah 40:22, Isaiah 42:5, Isaiah 44:24, Isaiah 45:12, Isaiah 48:13, Isaiah 51:13, Jeremiah 10:12, Zechariah 12:1).


CHAPTER 2: Population today proves the Biblical timeline.

1.) Adam= 930yo (Genesis 5:5)

2.) Seth= 912yo (Genesis 5:8)

3.) Enosh= 905yo (Genesis 5:11)

4.) Cainan= 910yo (Genesis 5:14)

5.) Mahalalel= 895yo (Genesis 5:17)

6.) Jared= 962yo (Genesis 5:20)

7.) Enoch= 365yo (he didn’t die but was taken up to heaven, Genesis 5:23)

8.) Methuselah= 969yo (Genesis 5:27)

9.) Lamech= 777yo (Genesis 5:31)

10.) Noah= 950yo (Genesis 9:29)

(GLOBAL FLOOD HERE. Age began declining after earth and the universe expanded).

11.) Shem= 600yo, Genesis 11:10.

12.) Arphaxad= 438yo, Genesis 11:12.

(In 3 generation, from Noah to Arphaxad, 512 years disappeared fast because Earth & the universe expanded fast first, then slowly after).

13.) Shelah= 433yo, Genesis 11:14.

14.) Eber= 464yo, Genesis 11:16.

15.) Peleg= 239yo, Genesis 11:18.

16.) Reu= 239yo, Genesis 11:20.

17.) Serug= 230yo, Genesis 11:22.

18.) Terah= 205yo, Genesis 11:32.

19.) Abraham= 175yo, Genesis 25:7.

20.) Nahor= 148yo

21.) Jacob= 147yo

22.) Esau= 147yo

23.) Ishmael= 137yo

24.) Levi= 137yo

25.) Amram= 137yo

26.)Kohath= 133yo

27.) Laban= 130yo

28.) Deborah= 130yo

29.) Jehoiada= 130yo

30.) Sarah= 127yo

31.) Miriam= 125yo

32.) Aaron= 123yo

33.) Rebecca= 120yo

34.) Moses= 120yo.

Note: No one lives over 120 years in modern era. YOU and I never met anyone over 120yo. They claim Jeanne Calment died at 122yo which is a hoax. Her recorded height never diminished, plus her relative burned many photos and records prior to her age verification, you can read more about this here.

Out of billions, they only found ONE PERSON who lived up to 122yo and she’s heavily promoted. Mainstream media is a lie and you’ll see proof ahead.


From 1940 to 2020, Philippine population rose from 14 million to 109 million (click here for source). That’s 7x growth in 80 years after millions of death from wars, diseases, starvation, poverty, abortion, hurricanes, etc. (Most Filipinos are in poverty).

Say you have 5 siblings so your parents (2) multiplied to 7. After 40 years, you and your siblings have kids, let’s say 3 each. So that brings us to 17 people from 2 in 40 to 60 years (2 x 8= almost 17).

That’s 8x growth in about 60 years (without early deaths, which we’ll add later).

Let’s start with 6 couples.

1.) +40 years, 12 becomes 24 (6 couples with 3 kids each).

2.) +40 years, 24 becomes 48 (12 couples, 3 kids each).

3.) +40 years, 48 becomes 96 (24 couples, 3 kids each).

4.) +40 years, 96 becomes 192 (96÷2, male/female= 48, x3 kids= 144+48 total parents= 192)

5.) +40 years, 192 become 384 (192÷2×3+96=384).

6.) +40 years, 384 becomes 768 people.

7.) +40 years, 768 becomes 1536.

8.) +40 years, 1536 becomes 3072.

*Every 40 years between the numbers below which is 2x every 40 years.

9.) 6144

10.) 12288

11.) 24576

12.) 49152

13.) 98304

14.) 196608

15.) 393216

16.) 786432

17.) 1572864

18.) 3145728

19.) 6291456

20.) 12582912

21.) 25165824

22.) 50331648

23.) 100663296

In 920 years (40 × 23) 12 people multiplied to 100 million.

That’s assuming all couples only had 3 kids & having 12 kids or more were common in those days.

Valentina Vassilyev had 69 children.

Now let’s add early deaths and kill 75 million people and we’ll still have 25 million from 12 in 920 years (100 -75= 25= 1/4).

That’s 1/4 or 2x growth every 160 years compared to 2x every 40 years above, much slower than the current global growth of 3x every 70 years with millions of deaths in the past century= starvation in India, Asia, Africa, countless diseases, millions of murders, abortion, thousands of wars, Korean War, Vietnam War, Cuban War, Gulf war, etc (2.5 billion to 8 billion from 1950 to 2020, click here for source).

If 4 couples multiplied 2x every 150 years, the human population will rise to about 8 billion in 4,500 years… See video below.

Those 8 are Noah’s family who survived the global flood 4,500+ years ago…

Egyptian “Nu” (Noah) with 7 of his family who survived the flood.

For population growth to be very slow at 2x every 150 years, multiple civilizations have to be wiped out (City of Ekron, Ashkelon, Amnon, Gaza, Gath, Canaanite cities (walls of Jericho), Babylon, Sodom & Gomorrah, etc).

Humans multiply slow & takes about 15 years to become a mother while animals give birth very fast with up to 20 babies every 6 months like dogs and pigs…

In less than 70 years, 24 rabbits multiplied to 10+ billion, click here for source.

If scientists are right by claiming animals and humans appeared millions of years ago, even if millions die annually from natural causes and diseases, there will be trillions upon trillions of animals and people today, stacking 200 feet high on all of Earth’s surface.

Even if dogs and pigs perform %90 abortions, out of their 20 offspring every few months, the population will reach billions in a few years.

Note: You can use any numbers of growth from 2x to 10x every 10 to 300 years and it will still prove the earth is young. We chose 2x every 150 years to highlight the Genesis story.

Even if animals millions of years ago gets pregnant at 500 years old with only 2 offspring, the growth from 400 million years timeline would stack up bones 20 feet off the ground everywhere (unless they increase animals 1st birth at 10,000 years old with 2 offspring instead of 1-year-old and up to 20 offspring like dogs.). To justify life existing millions of years ago, they have to annihilate all forms, THOUSANDS of times. Imagine THOUSANDS of global flood. (Using the correct growth rate, over 66,000 global flood deaths are needed to reach only 9 billion people in 400 million years. 🤣).

Over 400 million makes under $400 a year with little to no access to technology. No tractors (just trailers pulled by cows) no refrigeration, no electricity (only few have access) no healthcare (barely clean drinking water). Click here for source.

Technology kills more than sustain life (bombs. World War 1&2, car accidents, rifles, guns, food poisoning (pharmaceuticals) abortion, etc.).

Millions in 1700s fed themselves with no modern technology, before automobiles were in production.

Most population come from poverty in China and India, their farming techniques haven’t changed in hundreds of years. They produce more children when there’s no access to technology.

Note: Doubling the population every 150 years calculation was used after mass genocide (to favor old Earth) which still PROVE Earth is young. The realistic growth is 3x every 70 years.  Rephrased because Atheists are retarded and will bring this up.

Click Here for details:


Whites looking ‘Chinese’ in a few years is proven. In under 100 years fox’s tails, bird beaks, skin color can change depending on their environment. 1,000+ years is more than enough.

Bible competitor= Babylonian (Sumerian/Hinduism) tablets…

The Vedas Sanskrit relic of Hinduism, inspired by the 3 gods named Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu. This relic is NOT older than the Torah due to its well-preserved condition.

Buddhism is an offshoot of Hinduism which is an offshoot of Babylonians.

Sumerians, Babylonians, Akkadians, Assyrians, Mesopotamians, etc. Many names due to different periods, but I prefer to call them by their biblical name= Babylonians (Tower of Babylon, Genesis 11).

Babylon (Sumeria) is the oldest civilization recorded in human history. Abraham, the father of all nations and major religions (Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Judaism, Muslim, Christianity, etc) was a Sumerian, from the city of “Ur”. From Abraham branched out the Egyptian, Greek, Persian empire, Indus Valley Civilisation, Buddhism, etc. (may not be in order).

Abraham (Genesis 11:27) is the *FIRST* Hindu god “Brahma” and his wife Sarai is Brahma’s wife “Saraswati” in Hinduism. Their sons Isaac and Ishmael are the Hindu gods Shiva and Vishnu. Ishaak = (Sanskrit) Ishakhu = “Friend of Shiva.” (Hebrew) Ishmael = (Sanskrit) Ish-Mahal = “Great Shiva.”

Click here for source

Hinduism is the oldest religion, but their FIRST god “Brahma” (Abraham) tells us it isn’t much older than 2,000 BC (Judaism, from the tribe of Judah, was formed around 680 BC).

Many idolize objects and talented people as ‘gods’ (idolizing celebrities and shiny cars.).

St. Paul was worshipped as a ‘god’ after healing a crippled man (Acts 14:8).

Similarities between Greek “myths” and Genesis:

Norse gods (Thor, Odin, etc) is a “worldly” substitute of Genesis (like Halloween is a worldly substitute for all souls day, or Easter Bunny to Easter resurrection). In other words a *MADE UP STORY* for those who don’t want the truth.

Zeus (Adam) was “the father of men and gods” and Hera is from the “side” of Zeus and the mother of all humanity just like Eve. Adam’s son, Cain, returns from wandering and has descendants who are coppersmiths and blacksmiths; The Greek Cain is Hephaestus, the son of Zeus and a smithy who returns to Olympus from banishment. Aphrodite represents Cain’s wife, and Ares, his brother Seth. Seth’s descendants are the Centaurs whose name centauros means “hundred” as in Latin kenturion. Seth’s descendant Noah heralds the coming of the flood for a hundred years. Since the line of Seth that ends with Noah is a “‘strange branch’ of humanity” from the worldly perspective, Centaurs are demonized and shown in vase paintings carrying symmetrical branches. Greek Nereus is the counterpart of Noah, the Nereids are based out of Noah’s daughters, Hermes of Cush and Herakles of Nimrod. To learn more, click on the links below.

Click here for the book.

Click here for the Summary.

Similarities between Sumerian and Hinduism:

Anu-Enlil-Enki are like Brahma Vishnu-Shiva. Enki came to the earth along with Apkallu or seven sages. You can see Shiva with seven sages like Enki and his seven sages. Vishnu is Enlil. Vishnu is shown in the sleeping posture. Enlil’s sleep being disturbed is mentioned in the story. Shiva is Enki. Shiva’s wife is “daughter of the mountain” and Enki wife is “lady of the mountain.” Shiva’s daughter is Ashoka Sundari/Aranyani (goddess of forests). Enki’s daughter is lady greenery. Inanna is Lakshmi. Both Inanna and Lakshmi has eight pointed star. Inanna is also associated with Aphrodite. Both Aphrodite and Lakshmi rises from the ocean. Statue of Pompeii Lakshmi found in Rome is similar to representation of Aphrodite.

Think of a real historical figure named Saint Nicholas whom we now call Santa Claus who rides flying reindeers, one named Rudolph with a red nose. Sumerian and Hinduism plagiarized historical figures in Genesis for entertainment. Like an ancient version of Marvel and DC comics.

The same Kings, Emperors, Rulers who created them also have access to the Torah just like today where the same rulers control both the democrats and republicans.

bronze Medusa. Turin, Italy.

Ancient people aren’t different than us. Reality is boring and we make up fantasies.

It’s worth noting that interpreting the Sumerian tablets are very difficult.

The Sumerian version of the global flood (Gilgamesh epic) has a boat’s measurement which is either false or misinterpreted (see below).

Ancient Sumeria use sexagesimal (base 60) as mathematical calculation. So instead of a Sumerian King living up to 25,000 years old, it’s down to a few hundred years old equivalent to our calculation today. Instead of Enoch Giants being thousands of feet tall, it’s down to about 120 feet tall. Click here for more.

Ask them to prove they can correctly interpret these tablets and I guarantee they’ll run away.

NOTE: I typed 2,500 bc or 4,500 bc regarding the same story, I don’t need to change it because nobody figured out the time-line perfectly, even historians use approximates and that’s nothing compared to our opposition called “science” who’s time-line are off by billions of years.


The delicate arch is clearly the result of a global flood, proven with experiments, see below. How could a 50 ft high dirt survive millions of years of wind, earthquake, lightning etc… It can’t. I suspect these “archs”, which are found all over the world, are about 4,500 years old. Only DUMB people could look at this and think it will last millions of years while the Darwin arch collapsed 200 years after it’s discovery.
Carved by massive flood in epic proportion.

Giant pyramids of Egypt, Mexico, China, Indonesia etc are preflood empires much older than “experts” claim. Built when earth was smaller *BEFORE* the global flood about 4,500 BC. Newer civilizations rediscovered and rebuilt them just as we did by turning them into tourist spots today.

The pyramids are ancient refrigerators. The Giza pyramid is a exact replica of modern day jet steam refrigeration. See video below for proof.

Yakhchal: Ancient Refrigerators – EARTH ARCHITECTURE
Yakhchāl is an ancient refrigerator in Iran that’s still used today to store ice. It functions like a termite mound refrigeration.

Hundreds of pyramids exist globally just as thousands of refrigerators exist in every city (giant preflood pyramids called “The Great Pyramids”, and small post-flood pyramids like Yakhchāl).

Whale fossils found in mountains and deserts.



CHAPTER 3: Dendrochronoloy, evolution, carbon/radiometric dating hoaxes.

Dendrochronology and tree rings prove there are trees older than 4,000 years!”- Ignorant atheist.

Tree “ring” does NOT represent yearly growth.

2 redwood trees cut, the same genetically yet one have rings (top) and the other doesn’t (bottom). “Rings” are their muscle definition. Some tree are more “muscular” (visible rings) while others of the same species don’t, depends on their environment. Trees in harsher environment with strong winds, earthquakes, large predators that clings to it will likely have visible rings. Like us, a construction worker will have more muscle definition than a office worker..

The purpose of “rings” from trees is for stability, NOT so we can tell how old it is.

Rings in banana trees are created in under 4 months.

“But the government told me banana is not a tree!”- dumb atheist.

“It has roots, needs photosynthesis, produces leaves and fruits. The entire world call it a banana tree except by the people who can’t define a gender”- me.

There are no verified (documented) trees older than 400 years.

Sidney Oak or Bear Oak was the oldest verified (documented) tree that I can find, and it died 195 years after its discovery. Since it was mature when discovered, it’s maximum age is about 300 years old.

Tree DNA, like all plant and animal DNA, is subject to diseases, needs proper nutrients, water, needs to heal, etc. When trees get old, they become fragile and killed by strong winds or large animals.

Symbiosis (or asexuality) is the only reason tree DNA outlive animal DNA. They fuse with new seeds to survive as one. But this doesn’t stop them from vulnerability to diseases, becoming old and fragile then killed by strong winds.

Giant sequoia (redwood) trees were discovered in 1850’s (174 years ago) so it’s too early to tell if it can survive more than 300 years. They grow over 100 feet in under 40 years.


Tree “ring” appearing “similar” to another tree ring doesn’t mean you can add the age of each tree together and combine it with other “similar” looking tree until their age increases to 1,000,000,000,000 years. That is not “science”.

Any claims of plant DNA continually reproducing for 4,000 years is a physical impossibility. No lab test can prove any DNA living for 4,000 years.

NOTE: Because of symbiosis (like a-sexuality) where Tree DNA fuses with a younger seed and grow as one, it’s my *OPINION* that this occuring 3x for the same tree is extremely rare and therefore the maximum age of trees is 360 years (120 years maximum age x 3= 360). Most trees around you will die after 240 years with fewer living to 360 years and nothing older than 400 years.


You can make up any lies based on fossil similarities such as claiming goats became cows in millions of years because their fossils look similar, and we know that’s a lie.

Fossil evidence is a hoax.

Another hoax is the belief that humans (and animals) have transitional body parts (‘vestigial’) leftover from being a monkey-like creature millions of years ago.

Such as tiny human hairs (useful for cooling acting like a radiator in a car, holds on to moisture and absorbs it through its tiny pores) tonsils (traps germs from entering the body) male nipples (Directly affects the hormones, a friend who took drugs for weight lifting has enlarged nipple as a result [poisonous herbs does the same], saved him from cancerous side effect. They can return to normal size) wisdom teeth (useful for later usage, I currently use my wisdom teeth after the teeth between them fell) appendix (useful for good bacteria), human tailbone (helps pelvic muscles, assists bowel movement, helps straighten the glutes, attached to important muscle ligaments), etc.

There are no ‘vestigial’ (transitional) parts, the rear bone of the whale is used for sex.

(All organs can be called vestigial. My eyes are vestigial, they used to see insects 4 miles away, better than eagle eyes. Making a claim doesn’t mean it’s “science”, there’s no evidence any organs transitioned from something else. Imagination is not “science”).

Billions of animals “transitioning” slowly for “millions of years” means we should see millions of fish & amphibians with gills halfway SLOWLY disappearing & lungs halfway SLOWLY replacing it, aka unfinished lungs or gills.

Evolution claim all life originated from a single celled organisms (click here for source) then VERY SLOWLY in the span of millions of years, it grew 8 legs like spiders…

Plus evolution and transitioning of life never stop (click here for source).

If true, there should be millions of fish, insects, reptiles lugging around halfway finished webfeet. Family of insects with 3 legs on one side and only 2 legs on the other side waiting for evolution to give them complete set of legs VERY SLOWLY in the next 50 million years.

Family of insects with 1 functional compound eye and 2nd eye too tiny to be useful, waiting for “evolution” to complete their transition VERY SLOWLY in the next 100,000,000 years.

Entire family with identical unfinished body parts, such as halfway unfinished antenna and family of fishes with unfinished scales covering their body (retarded animals can produce healthy offspring).

If we see the end result, we should also see the stages leading up to it TODAY

But in thousands of years we saw NONE OF THAT..





Their alternative explanation is called “Punctuated equilibrium“, n. – A convenient theory that evolution occurred very fast, *LIKE CREATION OF A GOD*, so no one can see when it happened. It sounds exactly like biblical creation where all life forms are finished product, not morphing into other creatures.

Calling it Punctuated equilibrium to sound scientific is deceptive, they should be honest and call it “Genesis creation” or “the magic wand“.


Video of rodhocetus (mosasaur, etc.) washed ashore few months ago, shadow banned and hidden by the media. Whale evolution is a hoax. These creatures use their legs to walk on the ocean floor like axolotl, not dry land. They once interacted with men until earth expanded, today they are separated miles away on the ocean floor with no human contact. (Pressure is so strong miles under the ocean that creatures absorb oxygen through their skin, this is why Sperm whales disappear for hours without surfacing for air. Mainstream scientists will disagree with this but who cares, they believe Africa is detached at the bottom and slides around like Aladdin’s magic carpet).

Multi-talented creatures like Mudskippers and Lungfish have no useless body parts. The evidence shows they have a lot of skills, any claims beyond that is imagination, not science.

Tiny wings on flightless birds are full of muscles used for balance, like gyroscope. Not all wings are meant for flight, just as the tiny wings on a car (spoiler) wasn’t designed so the car can fly but for stability.

Rare body defects (horns, overgrown tailbone, etc) aren’t evidence for Darwinian evolution unless they propose our ancestors were giraffes (monkeys don’t have horns) that proposition will be ignored.

‘Blind’ cave fish is born with eyes and loses it as they get older like old men losing hair because it’s not needed in the dark environment they’re in.

Rear claws of python (genital area) are used for sex, it’s a claw and useful to keep ‘it’ in (imagine having sex without arms and legs).

How many generations did bombardier beetle blew their butts off before they finally got it right? Billions of years of retard beetles exploding? How many generations electric eel electrocuted themselves to death before they got it right?





Based on evidence in biochemistry on a molecular level, Darwins theory of evolution by natural selection/macroevolution is a HOAX. The mechanisms that prove biodiversity and organismal architecture is *PROGRAMMED* instructional complex INFORMATION encoded in various genetic and epigenetic languages on systems level, and communication by various signalling codes through various signalling networks.

Intelligent designer is a fact.

Pre-historic stories are made up by a LIBERAL politician named John Lubbock (1834-1913). Charles Darwin who lives in Lubbock’s property along with his best friend, a corrupt LAWYER named Charles Lyell. These crooks brainwashed you.

There’s no Cretaceous era.

There’s no Pleistocene era.

There’s no Neolithic era.

There’s no Paleolithic era.

There’s no Miocene Epoch, Oligocene Epoch, Pliocene Epoch, Paleogene Period, etc.

No Neanderthals, hominids, geological column, fish to man evolution, human ape hybrid common ancestor, millions of years ago etc.

They’re all made-up after 1830’s by *LIBERAL POLITICIANS* to “free the science from Moses”.

These hoaxes are promoted through fake careers like “Paleontologist”, dedicated to prove “Paleolithic” era using bones, imagination, and dirt layers they claim are millions of years old in between (geological column) but in reality are created in minutes from a water flow. Click here for video evidence.

In Genesis 1:11 & 21, “kinds” refer to plants and animals only reproducing after its own kind so fish becoming humans in millions of years (DNA do not match) is anti scriptures and anti “real” science.

If fox, cayote, wolf, rottweiler, chihuahua, etc can reproduce together, then they are from 1 kind of animal, the dog kind. If apes and humans cannot reproduce together, then they are NOT related. After thousands of years of human and ape coexistence (my uncles ate monkeys and some sick Asians mate with them), there’s not one case of human and ape hybrid.

6 lbs Chihuahua reproducing with 140 lbs Rottweilers.

Fox/dog hybrid.

Housecat reproduces with bobcats. Bobcats (ocelot) reproduce with cougars (proof below). Cougars (leopards) reproduce with lions. Therefore housecats and lions belong in the same kind.

Cat/bobcat hybrid.


Don’t believe when scientists say wild finches no longer reproduce with other wild finches, because it’s illegal, a felony, to transport and own them. Stiff punishment with up to 20 years imprisonment. They use “the law” to hide the truth from you.

If these proven liars claim chimpanzees cannot reproduce with orangutans, do you believe them by blind faith? Orangutan, gorilla, chimpanzee, bonobo, etc belong in the ape kind and can all reproduce together, even if it require aide due to size differences.

Giambattista della Porta (1535-1615) a Italian scholar and scientist, wrote instructions on how to cross breed pigeons and chickens. The Maltese pigeon (native in Malta and Italy) is the result of his work.

Click here for Pigeon chicken hybrid (maltese pigeon).

Click here for turkey chicken hybrid.

Click here for peacock chicken hybrid.

Dr. Eugene McCarthy’s book “telenothians, vol 2 pg. 521- Columbigallids” also confirms that pigeon and chicken hybridize (click here).

There’s HUNDREDS of variations from 1 kind of animal. Cross breeding fox with rottweiler then the offspring to pitbull will create NEW variation of dogs and the possibility are endless (hundreds). Cross breeding cats, horses, etc yields the same results (Even humans. Cross breed Mike Tyson with a white midget then inbreed their offspring for 400 years and they will create new human race variant). If the million variations today are counted by their original ancestors, excluding those that live in the waters (amphibians and fish aren’t mentioned as saved in Genesis ark) and insects (which can latch on to animals) they can all be narrowed down to about 300 pairs. Double that numbers to include extinct animals and they’ll all fit in a 500 feet long boat comfortably, especially young pairs.

Question: If humans and apes aren’t related, then why do we look similar?

Answer: Genesis 2:18. Animals were created to be relatable to men. To be men’s “helper”. Adam wasn’t “satisfied” with animals as his only helper, so God finally created a woman for him (Genesis 2:21).



Cave paintings being 30,000 years old is a fantasy with no facts to back it up. Radiometric dating is a hoax:

No scientist can prove half a life of uranium is 700 million years old. Modern dating methods (Radiometric, Radiocarbon, carbon dating, isotope, a zircon crystal, uranium, magnetism, etc don’t be fooled by these catchy names. It’s all a lie) relies on decay methods.

Sounds great, but does it work? Nope. 2 issues.

1. Decay progress relies on the environment. For instance, a fish can decay on the open dirt in a few days while lasting 100+ years frozen. Let that sink in.

2. They don’t know when the rocks were deposited there or when the animal died so they can begin to count the rate of decay.

These 2 prove all dating methods used to date rocks or fossils are hoaxes. They test the bones several times with results ranging from thousands to millions of years old. They then pick the age that fits with their fairy tale (Pensee, Winter 1973 p.44).

Analogy above perfectly describes Radiometric dating, but retarded Atheists will always say “you don’t understand Radiometric dating”. If you really wanna waste your time learning about this hoax, click here.

Do you need to “understand” cars to know if it works? Nope. You’ll just take it to the mechanic if it breaks.

Talk is cheap. Bring fingernail, rock or bone samples that you know the age of like a rock from Mt Saint Helen, which is under 50 years old. Mix it up with ordinary rocks, then ask any scientist which dating methods can predict their ages correctly and to do the testing in front of you, not behind closed doors. Say one of the materials is possibly 100,000 years old.

They’ll respond two ways, one is denying your challenge, the other is failure.

The results will amount to them being thousands or millions of years old because these dating methods were calibrated to give out these numbers. They have to wait till you leave so you can’t see what they’re doing.

Get a refund after they get the age results wrong and they will get it wrong.

Below is a contact link for GNS science in New Zealand who does carbon dating, you can challenge them and I GUARANTEE they’ll fail. They’ll charge ridiculously with no money back guaranteed if they fail ($10,000?) knowing you cannot afford it, to discourage you for sticking your nose where it don’t belong, they expect you to blindly trust “the experts”.

The psychic dating method they call “radiocarbon dating” to sound scientific and decieve gullible people.

Radiometric dating and the Miller Urey experiment was invented to support the million years mythology. After 70 years the public is still forbidden to challenge their accuracy.


The distance between planets (light-years away) don’t tell us their age because light travel is *VARIABLE* and can be manipulated depending on its environment.

Speed of light is variable, NOT FIXED.

If you measure the distance between planets and *IMAGINE* they expanded from a single point (singularity), based on a lie that speed of light is fixed, the guesstimate is it happened about 13 billion years ago.

And I’m being nice here pretending they know where the center of the beginning is (another lie).

“Cosmic microwave background (CMB) and redshifts” is the same as speed of light, the speed is *NOT* fixed.

Even if we pretend the speed is always the same, saying anything beyond that is EXTRAPOLATION, guessing is not “science”.

If a car is traveling West on Florida highway at fixed speed of 70mph, is that proof the car came from California 3 days earlier? (The universe from 13 billion years ago because of CMB and redshifts)?


The car could have traveled only 5 hours earlier, or in Louisiana 1 day earlier, or in Arizona 2 days earlier.

The universe expanding could have been created on the 3rd day ALTOGETHER AT THE SAME TIME instead of coming from a single infinitely dense point (singularity).

To believe in the big bang theory that happened billions of years ago, you first have to believe a lie that speed of light is fixed, then believe a 2nd lie that “singularity” created the universe, then believe a 3rd lie that they know where the center of the universe where it started.


All rocks including gold (made on stars? Yeah right) and diamonds can be created in a few hours or days. (Even fossilization.) Earth sedimentary, ice layering, fossilization, and geological column can occur in a few hours, days, or weeks.

No diamonds are made by slow heat pressure in millions of years otherwise we will find 500-ton large diamond stones all over the world. Largest diamond in nature today can be re-created in the lab in a much shorter time.


Click here for fossilization done in 24 hours. ZERO DIFFERENCE compared to those labeled as “millions of years old”.

Petrified book. Beach Broome Western Australia

Ladder in France calcified with limestone in 100+ years.


Molecular clock” is a hoax. All creatures accumulate little changes, look at photos of pitbull in the 1900s and compare it to Pitbulls today. Being taller & darker than your father doesn’t mean you’re a different specie and 450 million years older.


Church of scientism revolves around idolizing & blindly believing in giant statues and machines that no one can afford and *NOT* accessible to the public such as radiometric dating machines, giant supernovae spectrometer telescope, large hadron collider, Hubble telescope, James Webb telescope, etc.

Supposedly these statues provide information that no one can see except priests in white lab coats. Below are list of words paid Internet “Brown shirts” aka “Sturmabteilung” (sources here) must call those who question them.

Their job is to intimidate and attack rational thought:

1. You’re a conspiracy theorist! You wear tinfoil hat!

2. You believe the earth is flat!

3. Is it peer reviewed?

4. Is your sources reputable? Who’s the source of your reputable source?

5. Do you have credentials?

6. Do you have PHD?

7. Did you win Nobel prize and Academy awards?

8. You’re a science denier!

9. You’re a bigot homophobe!

10. You anti vaxxer, you climate change denier!

11. You have dunning kruger effect!

AND CENSORSHIP (if the above don’t work).

Scientism parishioners don’t need to see the results from the machines or think for themselves, “peer review” by their priests is all the evidence they need.

If the scientism priests says James Webb telescope proved the multiverse lunacy, parishioners must agree without asking to see the results themselves.

The scientism parishioners or the public are not allowed to bring bone samples and challenge the radiometric dating machines before their eyes. They are obligated to blindly believe the results given to them by their priests behind closed doors.

Scientism hoaxes are always complicated.

Church of scientism have their own creation story that opposes the Bible, it’s %100 based on imagination with ZERO experiments.

They believe the universe is billions of years old and every evidence presented for their beliefs are hoaxes, but that doesn’t stop them from calling it “scientific fact “.

Below is a scientism member explaining to me how similar minerals found on earth and the universe prove earth is billions of years old. The machine called the stellar spectroscopy telescope supposedly captured the same light DNA of calcium in the universe that’s found in your body, but when you ask them to see the telescope results for yourself, they’ll refuse you because that’s only reserved for the priests of scientism, those with “qualifications”. You must blindly believe your superior. Walk by faith not by sight.

According to the church of scientism, the stars existed first. Whether by magic or created by God.

Stars are so big because they are created to give us light by night, if they were smaller their light won’t illuminate us, but according to the church of scientism, they believe stars are big because they were created very very very slow, in billions of years and are meant to last billions of years. This claim is %100 imaginery. Based on ZERO experiments. If you ask them to assemble atoms and molecules together to create a mini star, as “scientific proof” stars are created slowly, they’ll refuse. But they still call their imagination “scientific fact”.

There is as much evidence that the Powerpuff girls sunk the titanic as there is for the stars and sun being created slowly in billions of years and will last billions of years. Both have ZERO evidence with ZERO experiments.

After stars are created, God have to wait billions of years for that stars to die, so He can use the carbons from that dead star to create earth otherwise He don’t have enough.

They have ZERO evidence for these claim, and again that won’t stop them from calling it “science”.

They believe supernovae was created very very slow, in billions of years. But when you ask them to show you EXPERIMENTS by assembling atoms and molecules together to create a mini supernovae, to prove it was created very slow “scientifically”, they’ll ignore you because their beliefs are %100 imaginery….

And once again that doesn’t stop them from calling their fantasy a “scientific fact”.

This is the creation version of the church of scientism.

They are the largest organized church in the world because many members call themselves Christians and Muslims.



Sons of God mating with paganistic females:

Nephilims, are they offspring of fallen angels and human females? (Jesus says the angels * IN HEAVEN* don’t have sex, but the angels *ON EARTH* did proven in the old testament, aka “fallen angels”).


Giant ring

Giant bracelet.

Giant ring, bracelet, and crown. Which King is large enough to wear them?

King Gilgamesh, aka Nimrod, the great-grandson of Noah, was a master builder and is the reason why multiple languages and cultures are created after the flood. He built a tower so high to reach the heavens, called the tower of Babylon, to be flood-proof (according to historian Josephus) to defy God. And was dispersed after (continents divided).

Click here for source.

The claim that Gilgamesh is the inspiration for Noah’s flood is inaccurate, their story has more differences than similarities.

Artifacts of preflood and postflood Giants.

Click here for 640 bc Assyrian art above.

Why carve 800 tons of hard granite of Giants coexisting with normal-sized humans just to lie?



Nubian pyramid artifact.

In the book of Amos 2:9 (2,000+ bc) the giants were over 120 feet tall (like a cedar tree).

500+ years later in the book of numbers 13:33 (1,450 bc) would be around 30 feet to 90 feet (humans were like grasshoppers in their sight).

450 years later (1,000 bc) became much shorter, Goliath was measured around 10 feet tall.

The decline of age and size of humans (including giants) were not instantaneous. Men began living at extreme height and age in the beginning, then began dying shorter and younger over time.

The tallest man recorded in 1940 (Robert Wadlow, 9 feet) will never be beaten now or in the future (unless they lie).

170 feet tall statue of buddha in Afghanistan (below) is an accurate depiction of the Nephilim’s height in 2,000 bc.

150 feet tall Giants are not outrageous unless you’re ignorant. A dragonfly used to be as big as a duck, proven with fossils. And ancient trees can literally reach the sky.

Dumb “experts” claim these are extinct volcanoes, dried magma, igneous intrusion, etc. Only gullible dummies believe that, no dried magma shapes after a tree.

These fossilized trees was over 1,500 feet tall. So it makes sense that the giant men were over 100 feet tall, just as the cedar tree today are 16x taller than men.

Why were these giant trees cut off? I red a claim that a “lost” book of Ezra says these trees were cut off by angels to prevent the giants from climbing it and surviving the global flood, but I have no proof.

Urup, fossilized tree (North of Japan).

Instead of “aliens” or “lost technology” which mainstream media loves to brainwash the public, the 100 foot tall Giants explains how 1,000 ton stones were moved in Baalbek Lebanon, home of the false God “Baal”. There was no lost technology, they traveled with chariots. The mechanism for machinery and transportation operates the same way, so if they use chariots then there’s no lost technology.

Extremely strong giants using tools can explain those monolithic monuments.

Below are stacked by Giants, which lying “experts” claim was created “naturally” but can’t demonstrate their claim.


CHAPTER 5: Conclusion.

Archeology, science of geology, history, logic, population growth, and common sense prove earth is not much older than 6,000 years.

If you believe Earth is older then you have to explain why there’s no population growth in millions of years (did they get pregnant at 10,000 years old and were wiped out to extinction thousands of times by asteroids to explain the non existent population growth 400,000,000 years ago? Humor me.).

Brainwashed evolutionists can’t demonstrate their fairy tale, they lack common sense and are only good at regurgitating what their masters told them.

Public school education is making people dumber.

They love hiding the truth such as making a FALSE version of St Nicholas called Santa Claus and confusing the 12 apostles with the 12 constellations of stars/zodiac (Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, etc.)

And the fake version is more popular.

There are currently 88 constellations of the zodiac. Why not add more instead of just 12?(Leo, Capricorn, Aries, etc maybe add the name ‘Covid19’.)

There’s no such thing as ‘ONLY’ 12 constellations.

12 zodiacs can also represent 12 months of the year. This shouldn’t be confused with the 12 apostles, or 12 ribs on the side of your body. God uses the number 12 a lot mysteriously.

Expanding Earth is the truth so don’t be fooled into believing the overpopulation and abortion lie, Earth is growing and there’s room for every person born.


Brainwashed Christians claim “fine tuning” disagrees with expanding earth and insist continents drift like a boat (Ken Ham, brainwashed Catholics, etc.) because they lack common sense.

You’re finely tuned, but it doesn’t mean the distance between your heart and brain always remains the same (200 lbs weight loss & growth from infancy to adulthood repositions your internal organs as your body expanded or shrink, but it doesn’t mean you aren’t finely tuned).

The global flood can *ONLY* be explained with expanding earth otherwise they can’t explain where all the floodwaters went after, they don’t disappear into outer space.

A dummy claim Genesis 6:3 isn’t referring to the decline of human age but a countdown to when the global flood will happen. God cannot punish a man BEFORE he commits a crime. God saw the wickedness of man in Genesis 6:5, He was angered in Genesis 6:6 and decided to flood them in Genesis 6:7. You cannot impose a death sentence BEFORE a crime happened.

Global flood isn’t the only option, God could steadily dropped the water and expanded earth slowly without drowning anyone. The flood is the result of men’s rebellion. God can’t be charged with murder or destruction of life and property because He created both.

This brings up predetermination, they’ll say it contradicts the Bible because God is “ALL KNOWING (OMNISCIENT)”

God created men knowing ahead of time they’ll sin and go to hell because He knows everything including the future (omniscient), therefore God is evil and freewill is not real’- Atheists.

Does God have the power to choose ignorance or is He powerless and weak? Is God a slave to knowledge with no power to reject it like you and me? Do you believe God is weaker than you and can’t choose ignorance?’- Me.

God can choose to be wilfully ignorant, just like you. And willful ignorance is NOT omniscience.

“Omniscient” is NOT biblical. it’s a new invention (1598, Websters). Infinity IS biblical (click here).

Infinity defies omniscience.

By containing “infinity” and labeling it as “omniscient”, it ceases to be infinity, like labeling a growing toddler as 12 inches tall forever.

The words “knowing everything” is fixed, i.e. “Everything in your house…. Everything in the universe… Everything in your brain… Everything in a book”. Infinity is not fixed.

A fixed height of 4 feet tall cannot be “infinitely tall” at the same time.

Omniscient (knows everything) and Infinity contradict each other so God cannot be both. God is NOT omniscient but He is infinite.

Infinite life (immortality) doesn’t mean God can’t limit Himself in other areas.

Does God have limits? Yes, He’s not a lawless thug like you and me.

It’s impossible for God to kill Himself. God can’t remove His kindness. God can’t separate His love for us. God can’t turn Satan into God. God can’t create Himself.

Does it mean God is not great? No. Making decisions and limiting Himself by choice [discipline] makes Him great.

Does it contradict the words ‘NoTHING is impossible with God?’

No. Createdthings‘ can be manipulated without limits (to the creator) like the laws of physics, etc.

What’s impossible for God are NOT CREATED THINGS but ACTIONS (impossible for Him to kill Himself [He’s eternal] impossible for Him to break his vows [He’s kind] etc.)

How did God learn the evil in Sodom and Gomorrah? Was it by magic? No. God had to investigate, Genesis 18:21…



If God wants to know about your future, with His immeasurable intelligence, He can, but if He don’t want to then He don’t have to either…

God can choose ignorance just like you.


255+ dogmas of the Catholic church does NOT include “omniscience ” or “slave to knowledge” (click here).

1 John 3:20, God knows the details of our lives and everything around us, even knowing when a sparrow falls or when we lose a single hair (Matthew 10:29-30).

But that does NOT mean God is a slave to knowledge and can’t choose ignorance.

God knows everything in history and can even carve out the future (Isaiah 46:9-10, Psalm 147:5), is outside of time (Exodus 3:14; Psalm 90:2), knows even our thoughts, even before we speak (Psalm 139:4). He knows our hearts from afar; He even saw us in the womb (Psalm 139:1-3, 15-16). Solomon expresses this perfectly when he says, “For you, you only, know the hearts of all the children of mankind” (1 Kings 8:39).

And again none of these says God knows %100 of the future.

We now know trees can produce both good and bad fruits, but which fruit will go bad may not be available to God because we’re *CREATED* and judgment day is yet to come.

Genesis 6:6the LORD regretted that he had made men, and his heart was deeply troubled.”

Numbers 14:11 “How long will these people treat me with contempt? How long will they refuse to believe in me, in spite of all the signs I have performed among them?”

Did you read that? God did not know how long they’ll treat him with contempt. Therefore our *INFINITE CREATOR* is not omniscient.

(sources below)


Note: “Oil/gasoline” doesn’t come from dinosaur fossils. You can make fuel from plastic (click here), grass, garbage (click here), meat, vegetables, etc. It’s all in the “processing” (fermentation) that’s why you can run engines with alcohol.

1470. Paulo Uccello. Notice the 3 front claws on the foot is identical to a dinosaur. Maybe a raptor.

Yamon cave, Peru. Dinosaurs co-existed with men.


Golan heights artifact.



DINOSAUR RED BLOOD CELLS. Not millions of years old.


Secular historians who described dinosaurs= Alexander the great after slaying a dragon, Chinese philosopher Wang Fu, historian Flavius Josephus, Greek researcher Herodotus, and there’s more!

But I’ll focus on two= Marco Polo & Pliny the elder.

Marco Polo described dragons as having 3 claws ranging from 6 feet to over 50 feet tall, crocodiles have 5 claws.

Pliny the Elder, a naturalist, natural philosopher and a naval army commander of the early Roman Empire (23 A.D to 79 A.D.) spent most of his time studying natural and geographic phenomena. He wrote an encyclopedic work, Naturalis Historia consisting of 37 books covering mathematics, geography, anthropology, zoology, botany, agriculture, pharmacology, mineralogy, and more. You can buy his book on Amazon today, I added the photo link below.

In Book Eight are detailed information about “dragons.” It also contains information about Crocodiles, Serpents, and other reptiles, ruling out these as candidates for the dragon.

Book Eight: Chap. XI: “Elephants breed in that part of Affricke which lyeth beyond the deserts….India bringeth fouth the biggest: as also the dragons that are continually at variance with them, and evermore fighting, and those of such greatnesse, that they can easily claspe and wind round about the Elephants, and withall tye them fast with a knot. In this conflict they die, both the one and the other:”

“the Elephant hee falls downe dead as conquered, and with his hea vie weight crusheth and squeaseth the dragon that his wound and wreathed about him.”

Chapter XII: “…the dragons ware hereof, entangle and snarle his feet and legges first with their taile: the Elephants on the other side, undoe those knots wiht their trunke as with a hand….the principall thing the dragons make at is the eye…Now these dragons are so big withall, that they be able to receive all the Elephants bloud. Thus they are sucked drie, untill they fall down dead…”

Chapter XIII: “In Ethyopia there be as great dragons bred, as in India, namely twentie cubits long (approx. 30 feet).”

Also noted in chapter XIIII is the following interesting quote:

Megasthenes writeth, that there be serpents among the Indians to that bignesse, that they are able to swallow stags or buls all whole….Attilius Regulaus, generall under the Romanes, during the warres against the Carthaginians, assailed a Serpent neere the river Bagrada, which caried in length 120 foot…

Good blog to read:




CHAPTER 6: Flat earth psyops & the correct interpretation of Genesis 1-3.

Scultpure of Holy Catholic Charlemagne holding a earth as ball in 800 ad.

Bible-believers NEVER believed the earth is flat. Genesis (300+ bc) used the calendar which determines the ROTATION of planets, describing the days, weeks, months, and years in great detail. Nobody who understand the ROTATION OF PLANETS in the calendar believes the earth is flat.

Ancient men can eloquently read, interpret, and spell words correctly (Bible authors), built refrigerated pyramids, carve statues out of gold, create boats made of wood without nails carrying 100+ tons of supplies while battling against storms and not sink, none of them believes the earth is flat.

300 AD Christian temple (Hamat Tiberias, Israel) depicting the earth as a ball.

Global flood is proof of a ball earth. For everything to be under water as described in Genesis 7, earth has to be a ball. A flat earth can never be completely under water because water would fall off the edges. If there’s a giant wall holding waters in place, the wall won’t be under water unlike Genesis 7.

Ecclesiastes 1:6 proves a ball earth. To draw a FLAT circle you have to move your hand east north or west south, not just north to south. Since they believe the earth is round (Isaiah 40:22) it proves they believe the earth is a ball.

Leviticus 19:27 states your head has corners, it doesn’t mean your head is flat.

Hairstylist cut the corners of your hair, it doesn’t mean your head is flat. Corners of swimming pool and round aquarium are curved. Having corners doesn’t mean it’s flat.

4 corners of the Earth means North South East West. Millions use a compass and believe in 4 corners of the Earth, but it doesn’t mean they’re flat earthers.

A flat circle cannot be *BETWEEN* day and night as Job 26:10 stated, even if the sun is small like a bus, only a ball earth can do that.

Atheists brings up Matthew 4:8, when Satan tempted Jesus and showed him the world’s *Kingdom* from the highest mountain, as evidence the bible is a flat earth book, but it only proves they lack common sense. This is a supernatural event and Satan even asked Jesus to turn a rock into a bread (Matthew4:3). If this is a natural event, how could anyone see the entire kingdom of the world from one mountain in a flat earth measuring 20,000 miles wide? Highest mountain today is 5 miles and clouds are 1.2 to 5 miles above the ground which blocks your view. To see further, the mountain have to be higher than 5 miles and by then everything will be too tiny to be recognizable by your naked eye.

Atheists claim the bible teaches the earth don’t move, using the scriptures below:

“Psalm 96:10: “He has fixed the earth firm, immovable …”

“Psalm 104:5: “Thou didst fix the earth on its foundation so that it never can be moved.

The word “earth” in scripture does not mean the entire planet. Genesis 1:10 defines the word “earth”:

(Genesis 1:10, KJV)

“And God called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of the waters He called Seas: and God saw that it was good.”

The word “earth” in scripture only means *DRY LAND*, it does NOT mean all the continents, seas, and sky aka “the entire planet”.

If you pitch a tent on dry land, do you wake up the next day in another location? No. Dry land is fixed. Your house is fixed where you built it, the castles and houses erected thousands of years ago are still found where they are today (unless water, wind, and other means carried them away).

Atheists either take them out of context or misinterpret them. Let’s take the entire context of Psalm 104 where the quote “earth is immovable” is found.

Psalm 104:

“Bless the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, thou art very great; thou art clothed with honour and majesty.

Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain:

Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters: who maketh the clouds his chariot: who walketh upon the wings of the wind:

Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire:

Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be moved.

Thou coveredst it with the deep as with a garment: the waters stood above the mountains.

Psalm 104 is poetic, otherwise, how can you be “clothed” with honor and majesty literally? Emotions are not made of cotton or silk. How can you literally stretch the heavens like a curtain? You can’t touch heaven. You cannot literally ride a cloud-like you do a Chariot, clouds don’t have wheels. The wind does not have literal wings. Waters cannot stand up because it does not have literal legs.

Atheists cannot differentiate between figure of speech or actual event. They’ll bring up biblical dreams, then attack it because it’s impossible such as the dream of Saint John in Revelation “how could a city float in his dream?! City don’t float! The bible is a lie!” Or the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4:11, “How could he dream a tree who’s branches are visible in every corner of the earth! That means they believe the earth is flat!”.

Dreams are *symbolical*, common sense.

Lastly, they’ll type Revelation 1:7 (Jesus seen by all eyes in His return) as evidence the bible is a flat earth book but remove the supernatural side of it and ignoring Revelation as a SYMBOLICAL DREAM of Saint John. If not supernatural, how can Jesus be visible to all men from a FLAT earth measuring 20,000 miles? Jesus needs to be 500 miles tall to be seen in all corners of a flat Earth. Using light (television) we can see 1 person in the entire world. Padre Pio possessed “bilocation” where he’ll be in church in one location and be seen miles away in another location at the same time. Isn’t God greater?

To answer *ALL* biblical questions, ask catholic answers or Protestant pastors (Don’t ask them scientific questions or they might tell you continents drifted like a boat.)

Correct interpretation of Genesis 1 to 3.

Is Genesis about a literal talking snake tempting a woman to eat apples?

The original Hebrew word “serpent” is= נָחָשׁ (nachash), and this doesn’t exclusively mean “serpent”. Throughout the Old Testament nachash is used to refer to powerful, even gigantic creatures.

Isaiah calls the nachash a sea dragon, the great Leviathan (see Isaiah 27:1).

Job also uses nachash to depict terrible sea monsters (see Job 26:13). How can a sea creature hang around a tree and tempt Eve?

In the New Testament St. John explains how, “the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan” (Revelation 12:9). In this passage, St. John equates a dragon (Spákwv) to the serpent of the Garden. This association confirms the original Hebrew word “נָחָשׁ” (nachash) can be interpreted as other things besides a serpent.

The most terrifying entities in ancient days were the serpents and dragons (dinosaurs). This is Marco Polo’s description in 1271:

“their whole appearance is so formidable, that neither man nor any kind of animal can approach them without terror”.

Let’s say you’re the interpreter of נָחָשׁ (nachash) in 2020, the most terrifying individuals today could be the Mexican cartels (or isis?). So you may say “the cartels tempted Eve”.

How about the fruit in Genesis? Does it mean the “serpent” wanted Eve to eat a literal fruit? Nope. The word fruit is commonly referred to throughout the Bible as “works” such as the quote “you know a man by their fruits” (Matthew 7:16). This doesn’t mean men have apples or oranges coming out of their armpit or other body parts.

The “deceiver” (who you imagined to be a talking snake) tempted Eve to commit a forbidden act (‘eat the fruit’), and that forbidden act could be anything.

Genesis 1:

In Genesis 1:2, earth was formless, dark, without shape. In Genesis 1:3 God said “let there be light“, this created the circular shape of the earth giving us day and night.

“Darkness to light” is “formless to form, chaos to order, unorganized to organize, alphabet to language, etc.”

So there’s 2 types of light, one in Genesis 1:3, the “information light” that formed the shape of earth and the DNA of seed bearing plants and trees (Genesis 1:11). The other type of light are the stars and the sun to give us the calendar, sacred times, and seasons (Genesis 1:14).

Source of that “information” light (Genesis 1:3) is God, who’s described as a fire (Exodus 3:2).

30+ passages described God as a fire like the sun.

Exodus 13:21.

“The Lord was going before them in a pillar of cloud by day to lead them on the way, and in a pillar of fire by night to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night.”

Nehemiah 9:12.

“And with a pillar of cloud, You led them by day,
and with a pillar of fire by night.
To light for them the way,
in which they were to go.”


(Genesis 15:17, Numbers 9:15, Acts 7:30, Daniel 7:9, Exodus 24:17, Exodus 19:18, Deuteronomy 5:4-26, Deuteronomy 9:10, Deuteronomy 10:4, Deuteronomy 4:12-36, Psalm 50:3, 1 Kings 19:12, Hebrews 12:18, 2 Samuel 22:13, Psalm 18:12, Nehemiah 9:19, Numbers 14:14, Deuteronomy 1:33, Psalm 78:14, Psalm 105:39, Isaiah 4:5, Exodus 40:38, Revelation 15:2, Exodus 14:24, Isaiah 66:15.)

In Genesis 1:9 God gathered the *waters* in one place *and then* dry land appeared *afterwards*. Highlighted because of stupid protestant Christians claiming this is proof of 1 giant supercontinent Pangea theory. Waters gathered in one place surrounded by dry land are identical to a swimming pool in your yard. When you gather water in one place, it does not mean you gathered dry land into one place and call it Pangea.

These old dinosaur Christians (Ken Ham, Walter Brown, etc.) misinterpret the bible in order to fit secular Pangea theory in the bible (they modified Pangea and called their own version ‘hydroplate theory’ which is continents drifting like a boat very fast, speedboat style to support young-earth creationism as opposed to slow gradual process that took millions of years. Both hydroplate and Pangea theory are wrong. Hydroplate theory got 2 things right, the separation happened fast and underwater, that’s it, everything else is copied from Pangea theory hoax).

There’s no Pangea in the bible.

These wolves in sheep’s clothing misinterpret Genesis like flat earthers, to favor secular worldview.

Then God finally created the constellation of the stars, sun, and the moon to replace him ‘partially‘ until He returns for ‘harvest’ or judgment day, as prophesied in Revelation 21:23.

(God didn’t abandon the world completely just as He didn’t abandon Adam & Eve completely after the fall. He still clothed and sustained them (Genesis 3:21), just as He sustains earth & the universe today causing it to expand).

Genesis 3:

Interpretation of the woman coming from the ribs.

There are 12 ribs in the side of a human body. Woman is taken from the “side” of man as “1 of the 12 ribs” (Genesis 2: 21-22).

The “woman” then betrayed “man” by eating the “fruit” (Genesis 3:6-7).

“Fruits” quote is interpreted as “works”. She ate the forbidden “fruit”, aka she committed a forbidden action that made her more intelligent, becoming like God, knowing good and evil (Genesis 3:5-6)

God then put enmity between the woman and the serpent, she will crush the serpent’s head as it’s written.

(Genesis 3:15-16)

The “woman” betraying the man is a prophecy of Jesus being betrayed by the church (the 12 apostles). Judas instigated it then all apostles betrayed him. (Mark 14:50).

The 12 apostles are the CHURCH (woman).

12 “ribs”, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 apostles, 12 stones, 12 stars…

Biblical evidence:

(Revelation 12:1)

“A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun……a crown of 12 stars on her head.”

(Revelation 21:14)

“The city had 12 foundation stones, and on them were the 12 apostles of the Lamb.”

(Exodus 24:4)

“Moses built an altar at the foot of the mountain with 12 pillars for the 12 tribes of Israel

(Revelation 21:1-27)

“And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride (“the woman”) adorned for her husband.

Garden of Eden as a symbol for the human heart…..

(Genesis 2:10)

“A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into 4 headwaters”..

The heart has 4 chambers..

(Genesis 3:24)

“He drove out the man, and at the EAST of the GARDEN OF EDEN, he placed the cherubim and a flaming SWORD that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life.”

The heart is placed in the east of our body.

Biblical evidence:

(Revelation 1:16)

“….coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword“.

(Hebrews 4:12)

“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword (flaming sword is sharper than 2 edge sword) piercing to the division of soul and of spirit.”

(Revelation 19:15)

“…Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations”.

(Ephesians 6:17)

the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God“.

As over the road truck driver, living from state to state, I realize “Paradise” isn’t a land but the emotions you invested in. Nothing can bring happiness to anyone outside of the human heart.

The human heart is the garden of Eden that we’re forbidden to come back to, prevented by our conscience (flaming sword)…

Chapter 7: My Experience:

I’ve never been diagnosed with any mental illness, I never got drunk- never did drugs, don’t drink coffee or soda or take pills, I weigh 12 lbs at birth (c-section). I’m a healthy guy, mentally and physically.

I have not seen a doctor because of sickness in about 20 years unless for mandatory job physicals every 2 years where I pass with flying colors every time, as healthy as can be.

As the youngest of 3, we were shuffled to different families when my mom left us to come to the USA in 1988. Even before she left us, I still felt parent less after my father died in 1984 (heart attack) because all she did was work. There was no one to oversee us. With that said I was free as a bird, even as a kid I will travel to the mountains far from home with 1 weapon= slingshot. Kill animals for food, gather spiders, go to the beach, fight with neighborhood kids, etc.

When I came to the USA in April of 1993, everything changed… My free life was taken away from me, now I’m isolated into a small house with only cable television and videogame to entertain me.

So I was extremely depressed during my 1st year in the USA, the adjustment was difficult…

Crying in the middle of the night while laying on the bed around a year after, I heard an extremely deep voice of an elderly man saying ‘I love you…. I love you…. I love you….”

The voice was so clear at first then it got blurry after the next words.

I don’t consider this event ‘miraculous’ because I was half asleep. In fact, I thought it was a ‘delusion’. I consider this evidence ‘inadmissible’ though it’s worth mentioning because of my second encounter with the same voice later on….

It’s now around 1997, 4 years have passed living in the prison of my home. I’m 17yo and my face was covered in acne, I felt so ugly it was embarrassing to go in public. So I did the only thing I thought would help= pray the rosary.

My goal for the prayer was for God to help remove my acnes and look ‘normal’ so I will no longer “feel” suicidal (I was never actually suicidal, I’m not crazy, I love life). So I waited till everybody left and I’m home alone.

There’s a statue of the blessed mother in my mother’s bedroom. She worked in San Francisco that night so I was home alone and went to her room and locked it, then prayed the rosary. Staring at the virgin Mary, i wept and wanted her to feel my pain, my suicidal feelings..

After I finished the mysteries my whole body was engulfed with the identical voice of an elderly man I heard a few years prior. The voice was so deep and he spoke through my chest, I was frozen for a few seconds and ‘He’ said:


I didn’t hear the voice in my ears or my mind, I heard it in my heart, my chest, my entire body was engulfed with the voice but more specifically the vibration is in my heart.


Now looking back while being a cold-hearted guy today, it’s hard to understand why I wasn’t ‘shocked at the time. In fact, my 1st reaction was rebellion.

I wanted my acne healed. I felt suicidal, depressed, and ugly.. I didn’t ask for ‘inner healing’ whatever that may mean because, to be honest, I’m still unsure of what it really means. I just bowed down and continued my prayer until it is finished.

My 2nd reaction is asking why I heard a voice of a man. I was staring at the statue of the blessed mother, I should have heard a woman.

Now I didn’t link this voice to the voice I heard a few years prior until a few days after when I connected the dot and remembered, it was identical.

All the theories put together and I can’t deny it for what it is… I believe the logical conclusion is it was who they call Yahweh; I say so because this goes against my religious upbringing…

The belief is that no one can come to the Father but through Jesus, because if I have to make a physical presentation of the voice i heard it would have to be AT LEAST a 50-year-old powerful man.

The biblical Jesus I know of is around 33 years old, I’m 39yo now and I cant imitate that deep voice.

What i typed here is true and i’ll take it to my grave…

I never heard ‘Him‘ again although I tried repeatedly for many years. I prayed even harder many times than I did at the time of the encounter, I even went to the ‘Prince of Peace Abbey’ monastery in Oceanside California to become a benedictine monk and prayed all day for 10 days, but I never heard Him again…..

And that’s ok, one encounter is enough to prove to me “He” is real.

After that experience, I’m no longer sure if I can discriminate against Muslims the way I was raised in the Philippines…

We hated Muslims, they kidnap people in my town and ask for ransom money (looking back, maybe that was another CIA inside job since I don’t believe the media narrative anymore). My views have changed completely since. I’m still catholic, I still love the rosary, but I’m open to the universal Father…

UPDATE: What ‘IF’ I accepted ‘His’ words instead of rejecting them because I only cared about looking good at that time. Maybe that was a test to see if I’m selfless enough to abandon my desire to look handsome. I’ll probably be taken up to heaven at that moment if I submitted to His words, and if anyone can, I envy them…

Today I’m roaming the earth with fear of failing my mission to do the right thing.

Narrow is the path…..

Chapter 8: The government, a lie we’re dealing with.

Why the constitution and the bill of rights were made.

They blame billions for the action of the few, to control you.

Few caught a flu. Instead of only quarantining the sick, they quarantine billions of healthy people who don’t need it.

It’s all about control but they lie and claim they’re doing it to “save lives”.

“Gun control save lives.... Social distancing save lives. Banning traveling save lives… etc etc”

Using safety as an excuse to remove your rights has NO END…

Over 2,000 died from car accidents in 3 months on Texas highways.

Driving can possibly kill others.

Should everybody’s license be revoked after few died from accidents?

Millions died from walking (Run over, attacked by a dog, mugged, etc.)

Ban walking because ‘it save lives?

Millions died from eye contact. Staring could piss off a guy and somebody getting shot.

Ban eye contact “because it save lives“?

Billions died from talking (snitching, insults, etc).

Ban talking because it save lives?

People died from sports, ban volleyball because it “save lives“?

People die from choking on food. From now on people have to chew the food for 20 seconds before swallowing. Failure to comply will result in $300 fine, it’s for their *safety*.

Breathing in public is not safe, it increases inhalation of carbon, nicotine, etc. For now on everybody have to carry oxygen tank in public, failure will result in $300 fine, it’s for their safety.


Drugs, bacteria carrying diseases, fungus, nutrition deficient cells (cancer/poverty) all exist…

Coronavirus/viruses don’t exist….

Drawings and cartoons aren’t real.

We can show cells attacked by bacteria, nicotine, cancer, sickle cell (nutrition deficient cells), poison, etc. But no one can show you cells attacked by a virus.

The word ‘virus’ originated over 500 years ago BEFORE powerful microscopes were invented to explain why people die of unknown illnesses. Today “virus” is in the “germ theory” which is a HOAX.

You can’t catch a flu from a relative or anyone.

The same environment is why you catch flu the same time as your brother just as females and their daughters menstruate around the same time yet there’s no “menstruating virus“ jumping from one person to another.

Flu is caused by temperature imbalance causing millions of cells to die in your body. That’s why %90 of life is found in warm locations as opposed to cold Antarctica or North Pole. That’s why eggs DIE unless incubated (warmed). Eggs dying and not hatching due to cold doesn’t mean it has an “egg virus”.

The body has to reach the correct temperature to operate properly like engines. Engine stalling due to cold doesn’t mean it has an “engine virus”.

It’s not a coincidence flu season happens in winter.

Temperature imbalance such as overheating also causes flu. I catch flu when biking 6 hours non stop. What happens if electric motor overheats? It stops working, the same thing with your body.

I’ve cured maybe HUNDREDS of flu in the past 20 years without seeing a doctor or taking drugs.



$200 microscope (2000x) can show red blood cells in great detail. If these viruses are EVERYWHERE (supposedly originating in Wuhan China then magically transported all over the world and now hangs around your local restaurant) that you have to wear a mask the moment you go outside to save your life, then gathering this “abundant” “pandemic level” virus and showing us how it attacks cells should be a piece of cake…

So why can’t they????

Here’s a ordinary guy making videos using electron microscope by stitching photos together (all videos are made this way, just not as slow).

If a ordinary guy can make videos using electron microscope, what’s their excuse?!

We can see DNA molecules in great detail, making gene editing possible (changing eye color, etc.). DNA molecules are much smaller than viruses (because a virus contain RNA according to scientism). Click here for source.

Detailed images of DNA molecules which are much smaller than THEORETICAL viruses.

So if we can see smaller DNA molecules in great detail, why can’t they show much bigger viruses in great detail?

They can’t because Viruses don’t exist….

So what causes sickness besides nutrition deficiency (poverty/hunger)?

Measles, polio, chicken pox, small pox, swine flu, spanish flu, HIV skin lesions, etc are caused by drug reaction or toxic diet (click here for source).

Food pesticides are popular because it yielded more crops (more profit). They used Clothianidin in the late 1700s, a deadly chemical similar to nicotine that kills insects and humans in certain amounts. It was so bad that George Washington mandated all soldiers to be vaccinated, assuming invisible viruses was the cause of all the skin rashes called “smallpox”. Food pesticides only got worst (DDT, etc.).

When people get “smallpox”, they misidentify the cause as INVISIBLE viruses. Chickenpox, smallpox, polio, etc disappeared because pharmaceutical companies stopped making the poisonous pesticides after losing a lawsuit. They always change the pesticides they spray on your food (Click here for source).

Using the POWER OF THE MEDIA, they convinced many that vaccine cured them, and that’s partially true, they just hide the cause.

Vaccine is good for those who are poisoned by specific toxins just like those bitten by poisonous snakes, and they are easy to make.

Snake vaccine is usually made from opossum blood which is immune to snake venom. To make a specific vaccine for specific poison, they inject such poison to animals like dogs in small amount, the dog will then create specific enzymes to counter such poison, then they gather such enzymes using “Density Gradient Centrifugation Spinner“, that’s it. Humans can also create enzymes to resist poison but cannot create it fast enough after a snake bite, so they inject you with more made from animals to save your life (see video below for elaboration).

If they created vaccine for “polio”, then they know the specific poison that caused it (small amount of Mercury in pesticides), but they won’t tell you that for profit & liability, the pharmaceutical company who created the pesticide to poison you is the same company who created the vaccine for it…

They’ll tell you invisible viruses caused them.


Click here for evidence of alcohol damaging your liver and skin (genitals, legs, etc).

Hoaxes are easily prevented if you ask them to show you in a microscope how cells are attacked by it…

If they can’t show it to you in a microscope, then it don’t exist. We can even see air travel inside plants using a microscope, they have no excuse.

The supposed image of “cell killing coronavirus“, but in reality, these are cell debris which bacteria eats, caught on video below. It doesn’t kill anything.

So what’s the blurry photo above of the so called “virus”?

What they call viruses are either dead cells or cell feces which your body eliminates millions daily and carried out through your orifices (eye booger, nose booger, spitting phlegm, skin pores via sweat, peeing, pooping, etc). The blurry photo they’re showing to the public surrounding the cell is actually cell poop also known as “exosomes”.

They can’t show you a video of it attacking cells because cell poop doesn’t attack anything just as your poop don’t attack you. They are produced by the cell just as your poop is produced by you. They did NOT originate in Wuhan lab and teleported themselves all over the world by magic.

Also, scientists cannot create “viruses” or anything operational from scratch. To create biological materials from molecules requires information stored in the DNA, and that’s impossible (RNA-based life form existing outside of DNA is a hoax, venom in the movie spiderman is not real).

Scientists can hybridize what already exists such as cross-breeding DNA to create broccoli, liger, etc…My mom did the same with orchids in Philippines.

It’s sad how dumb people are believing scientists are like gods who can create “virus” with mRNA in Wuhan lab China. DNA and RNA are extremely complex, they can’t even create any protein (just amino acids from hybridizing existing materials).

As mentioned above, unless you’ve been poisoned, whether by snake venom or mercury in food pesticides, vaccine is not only useless but also dangerous.

Injecting yourself with snake venom vaccine when you are NOT bitten by a snake can poison you.

Taking a vaccine to prevent a non-existing flu virus will either poison you or does nothing to benefit you.

From the 1800s to the 1950s, real doctors recognize vaccines as useless and dangerous.

Telegram app below showed thousands dead or injured after taking the vaccine…

Click here for the telegram group (Android users only).

Not all drugs and poison will kill you overnight. There are meth users and Crackheads roaming the streets for 20+ years. But rarely do you see drug users with useful skills and live past 50 with no health issues…. It may not kill you overnight, but you’re hurting yourself.













Chapter 9: Secular media is the mark of the beast.

5G network is *NOT* deadly (maybe the cell towers because of high voltage). Your phone doesn’t possess enough power to hurt you, but 5G can track you just like the 3G network. The elites love to divert and mislead the public.

They are filtering what you see. Facebook, YouTube, Reddit, and *ALL* popular hosting sites are doing these types of censorship.

Yahoo news articles have hundreds of comments made by paid government shills acting like regular people, to give readers the idea that removing your rights is ok (these shills are using multiple profiles).

Fake polls, fake comments, fake consensus, to persuade the gullible readers.

I uploaded a video exposing the coronavirus hoax by stating the 1918 Spanish and swine flu was a hoax and people only died because they were given Mercury as medicine, also an ingredient for vaccine. And YouTube deleted that video.

The most obvious is the CIA drug promotion in 1960s using gullible young adults as tools.

The drugs for profit distribution included LSD, mushrooms, Marijuana, and pills of any sort, from penicillin to ingredients used in cough syrups. The pharmaceutical profit has a major influence on what you see on mainstream media (they even sell penis enhancing pills claiming penis size matters. It doesn’t. Unless your girlfriend is a whore who sleeps with multiple men, in that case, she’ll prefer the one with a bigger penis.)

Another psyop technique is using children, blacks (racist victims), nurses, and doctors as “victims” to push an agenda. Using children to disarm the public (gun control) was very popular a few years ago:

If you don’t support gun control, then you love watching Children getting killed!

“If you don’t stay at home because of coronavirus rules, then you’re making it hard for nurses and doctors!”

“If you reject gay marriage, then you’re a white supremacist homophobic who hates blacks!”

They’re very effective to the majority of people who are too dumb to think for themselves.

The mark of the beast (666).

Many Protestants are deceiving the public by claiming the mark of the beast is a microchip implant, the Pope is satan, and the whore of Babylon is the catholic church, etc.

The ‘meaning’ of the mark of the beast is interpreted and revealed by scripture itself.

2 Corinthians 4:3, “But if our gospel be hidden, it is hidden to them that are lost:”

What is a Mark?

A Mark (seal, sign, token, frontlet) is placed upon the forehead or hands, either as a sign of a curse or as a sign of redemption.

Genesis 4:15: God places a mark on the covenant-breaking Cain, so nobody would kill him.

Exodus 28:36-38: Priests of God wore a gold plate upon their forehead, symbolizing the redeemed man.

Exodus 13:9,16, Deuteronomy 6:6,8; 11:18: A mark upon the forehead and hand was a symbol of total obedience to God’s Law.

Solomon 8:6: A seal upon the heart and arm is symbolic of a love for someone.

Isaiah 49:16: God has graven His people on the palms of His hands as a sign that he would not forget them.

Ezekiel 9:4: A mark upon the forehead was indicative of their allegiance to the Lord in the midst of abomination.

Revelation 13:16-17: The Beast places a mark on the hand or forehead of his followers also. This mark is his name (which represents one’s character).

Revelation 14:9-11; 16:2; 19:20: Those who receive the mark of the Beast (worship something other than God) will be tormented. Which means…

Revelation 9:4: Those who do not have the seal of God in their forehead will be tormented. The Beast’s mark is contrasted to God’s mark!

Revelation 20:4: Those who do not receive the Beasts’ mark will be the keepers of God’s commandments and have the testimony of Jesus.

Revelation 15:2: To keep the Word of God is to overcome and be victorious over the mark, or name, or character, of the Beast.

Revelation 3:12: The name of God will be written upon those who overcome.

Revelation 7:3; 14:1; 22:4: Where will the name of God be written? It will be sealed in their foreheads!

Revelation 19:13: What exactly is the name of God that’ll be written in their foreheads? It is The Word Of God! (See also John 1:1,14). In other words, Scripture, God’s Word, will be in their hearts, minds, and souls!”

“Revelation 13:16 says the Mark will be placed in the “right hand.” Again, this is a symbolic term used to denote a position of power. The Lord is said to be at one’s “right hand” (Psalm 16:8; 73:23; 121:5, Isaiah 41:13; 45:1; 63:12, Acts 2:25), so the right hand is symbolic for who your Lord is, who you obey.

The “right hand” denotes the power of the Lord (Exo.15:6,12, Psalm 16:11; 17:7; 18:35; 20:6; 48:10; 60:5; 63:8; 77:10; 98:1; 118:15-16; 139:10, Isaiah 41:10; 48:13; 62:8, Eze.21:22, Hab.2:16, Acts 5:31), and the power of Jesus Christ (Mat.26:64, Mark 14:62).

Jesus is at the “right hand” of the Father (Psalm 110:1t,5, Mat.22:44, Mark 12:36; 16:19, Luke 20:42; 22:69, Acts 2:33-34; 7:55-56, Rom.8:34, Eph.1:20, Col.3:1, Heb.1:3,13; 8:1; 10:12; 12:2, 1Pet.3:22).

The “right hand” also denotes work (Psalm 78:54; 80:15), and the power of man (Psalm 45:9; 89:13). The “right hand” could be an adversary of the Lord (Psalm 21:8; 89:42, Lam.2:4, Zech.3:1).

A right hand denoted falsehood (Psalm 144:8,11).

A wise man’s heart is at his right hand (Ecc.10:2), and whatever you embrace with the “right hand” is where your heart is (Sol.2:6; 8:3). Similar to how Jesus places the things he values on his right hand, and the things he despises on his left (Mat.25:33-34), the right hand is symbolic of the things we value more than other things.

Is your right hand the mark of obedience to God’s law or to man’s law?

So who received the mark of the beast so they can buy or sell?

The business owners who accepted homosexuality in fear of losing their license over discrimination laws (they can’t sell unless they accept the “mark of the beast”).

The teachers and students who deny God’s creation in school so they can graduate and find a job, common in the scientific community (they can’t have money to buy anything unless they receive the “mark of the beast”).

Mark of the beast is a media influence which opposes God in exchange for money, job offers, and traveling priveleges.

The news anchors, scientists, and doctors who are paid to support the *virus hoax* (covid, HIV, etc) also accepted the mark of the beast because the alternative is no media air time or losing their job. As a result, thousands died after taking the poisonous vaccine.

When the government uses $50 billion tax dollars to pay facebook employees to censor comments opposing the virus hoax, they received “the mark of the beast” for money.

People who makes adult films for money, unapologetically, received the mark of the beast.

People who supports abortion (baby killing) instead of raising kids, so they can have money, received the mark of the beast.

Just like Judas who betrayed Jesus for money.

The amount of people in USA who received the mark of the beast is more than half the population…

The mark of the beast, 666, is a recurring event in the past 2000 years since it was written. Nero was the 666, Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, etc.

The earliest 666 (Anti Christ) was born before Saint John wrote the book of Revelation, his name is Pontius Pilate.

Dictators killing citizens who don’t comply with their atheistic demands is a tale as old as time going as far back as Egypt, Babylon, Greece, etc.

USA in 2020 is already a communist nation. We don’t need a outspoken one man dictator…

“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers (whore seeing), and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the *SECOND DEATH*.”

(Revelation 21:8)

Possibly billions burned to death in all of human history (see world war 2). To think hell isn’t real because it’s cruel is a disconnection to reality, such cruelty is a fact that occurred through billions of people.

For videos of souls caught on video (first death) waiting for judgment day (second death), click on the video below. Nukestop5 have plenty of them.

Let’s finish correctly interpreting the book of Revelation.

Who’s the whore of Babylon in Revelation? By using the Bible (old and new testament) we discover that Jerusalem is the whore of Babylon.

In Revelation, John prophesied that the great city of Babylon would soon be plagued by hailstones that weighed one talent each. During the Jewish-Roman war, the Romans catapulted stones upon Jerusalem that weighed one talent each. To make it difficult for the Jews to see these stones against the sky, the Romans painted them white. Sources: 1) Revelation 16:19-21. 2) Josephus, The Jewish War, vi.3.

In Revelation, the coming of Christ, the New Creation, judgment, and resurrection are associated with the fall of Babylon.

Whatever one makes Babylon to be are linked with her fall!

Revelation 16:6; 17:1-6; 18:20, 24 tells us that Babylon was drunk with the blood of the prophets. The term “the prophets” appears 88 times in the New Testament. The overwhelmingly normal usage of the term refers to Old Testament prophets.

USA/London/Pope/Catholic Church or any modern city never persecuted Old Testament prophets, but Babylon of Revelation did, therefore none of these can be identified as Babylon.

What city persecuted the Old Testament prophets and filled the Cup of her Sin by so doing?

It was Jerusalem.

Comparing Matthew 23 with Revelation reveals this. In Matthew 23:31 Jesus said it was Jerusalem that killed the prophets; in Revelation it is Babylon. In Matthew 23:32 Jesus said the Jews were about to fill the cup of their sin by continuing to persecute those sent to her; in Revelation 17 Babylon has filled her cup by persecuting not only the prophets of old but the followers of Jesus as well. In Matthew 23:35 Jesus said Jerusalem was guilty of “all the bloodshed on earth”, in Revelation 18:24 Babylon bears the guilt for “all the bloodshed on earth.” In Matthew 23:36 Jesus said judgment on Jerusalem for killing the prophets would come in his generation; in Revelation Jesus said “Behold, I come quickly” 22:6, 10,12, 20.

Such parallels are not accidental!

Finally, the Great City Babylon is “spiritually called Sodom,” Rev. 11:8; and the only city in the Bible–other than historical Sodom–that is ever called Sodom is Jerusalem, Isaiah 1:10; Jer. 23:14, Ezek. 16:44. Babylon is also “where the Lord was crucified” Rev. 11:8. Jesus was not crucified in USA/London/Catholic Church or any City or nation in the 21st century.

Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem!

Jerusalem is the whore of babylon. Details in the old testament= Ezekiel 23:3-14

2 adulterous sisters:

“They became prostitutes in Egypt, engaging in prostitution from their youth. In that land their breasts were fondled and their virgin bosoms caressed. 4 The older was named Oholah, and her sister was Oholibah. Oholah is the nation of Samaria, and Oholibah is THE NATION OF JERUSALEM…………..
………… Oholibah (Jerusalem) saw this, yet in her lust and prostitution she was more depraved than her sister. 12 She too lusted after the Assyrians—governors and commanders, warriors in full dress, mounted horsemen, all handsome young men… 14 “But Oholibah (Jerusalem) carried her prostitution still further.”

The 7 headed beast that the whore (Jerusalem) is sitting on represent the first seven Roman Emperors (Revelation 17:3):

Beginning with Augustus (27 BC-14 AD) (Julius Caesar was not considered emperor). Five of which, the angel tells John, have “fallen”. Following Augustus, they would have included Emperors Tiberius (14-37), Gaius (“Caligula”) (37-41), Claudius (31-54), and Nero (54-68). The next one, the “one who still is”, would have been Emperor Vespasian (69-79), who seized the throne during “the year of four emperors”. The seventh, Titus (79-81), whose reign lasted only two years, is the one who, “when he comes he must remain only a short while“.

The angel further helps John understand the beast’s connection to the Roman empire by referring repeatedly to an eighth king but who is really one of the seven who apparently dies and then comes back to life: “it existed once but exists no longer, and yet it will come again“. John would have understood this to be a reference to a much-believed popular myth in the first century that the much-hated Emperor Nero, after being declared an enemy of the people by the senate and committing suicide by stabbing himself, nevertheless survived and went into hiding in Parthia with the intention of returning and re-establishing himself on the throne. Historians of this period are familiar with this and refer to it as the “Nero Redivivus” legend.

NOTE: Hitler and some high ranking Nazi leaders didn’t die or went to jail, they escaped and relocated all over the world mostly in America (Argentina, USA, etc). They rose again in USA with high ranking military positions just as they did in Germany. *If* we’re in the “8th king” in Revelation today, then the end times is very near.

The 8th beast is a global power using the pharmaceutical companies to poison the entire world and using the media to blaspheme God.

(Revelation 17:16) “And the ten horns that you saw, they and the BEAST will hate the whore (JERUSALEM); they will make her desolate and naked; they will devour her flesh and burn her up with fire.”

Rome (beast) attacked and decimated Jerusalem (whore of Babylon) in the first century, source below.

According to Revelation, all humans, rich or poor, throughout the world, cannot buy or sell unless they received the mark of the beast (Roman Emperors).

We know the Romans ruled Egypt, Africa, Persia, and China. The Chinese used the silk road to trade with the Romans and have to pay taxes. We don’t have much information available in public because your history book is a lie, such as the historical claim that Columbus was the first white man to set foot in the Americas ignoring the redhead Giants of lovelock cave Nevada who are clearly white. There were even blacks already here HUNDREDS of years prior to slavery such as the black statues found in Mexico. So if you rely on public school education to learn about earth’s history, most of what you’ll learn is a lie (Gallileo lie, Copernicus lie, etc).

Red-haired giants of Nevada prove whites were already here HUNDREDS of years before Columbus arrived.

Black statues of Mexico prove blacks were already here HUNDREDS of years before slavery.

There were no other buying and trading recorded anywhere else in the world apart from China, the middle east, Africa, and Europe 2000 years ago. And they were all paying homage to the Roman Emperors.

Could such correct interpretation still apply today?

It’s possible that Israel is still the whore of Babylon. Jewish elites funded many corruptions throughout the world (or maybe the monarchy?), but who the beast represents has changed as the Romans are no longer in power.

Who’s the beast with 7 heads today (G7 leaders?).

According to Revelation, the fall of Jerusalem is the beginning of judgment day, but this isn’t literal. Obviously Babylon and Jerusalem in Revelation is synonymous. To identify Jerusalem is to identify “who will fall” before judgment day.

Jerusalem in Revelation are people who worship idols (multiple religions) for money. They traded with different nations for control and profit. They have no allegiance to the one true God. They’ll fund and entertain many venues that opposes God without apology. Such as pornographic industry, media propaganda based on lies, wars, shutting down ethical small businesses, police for profit, stealing tax money, mass murder, etc.

So the fall of Jerusalem isn’t a literall fall of soil and nation of Jerusalem, but the downfall of the billionaire elites…

Fall of the banking elites, Rockefellers, etc (who’s the ruling “elites” today? I have no idea. I haven’t watched Alex Jones show in years lol).

False gods must fall before the real King returns…

Chapter 10 (last): The true church and the secret to health.

“Father I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one”- John 17:21.

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are different branches of the same tree.

All major religions are Abrahamic= Hinduism (Buddhism), Judaism, Christianity (Roman Catholic, Eastern Catholic, Protestantism) Muslims. Click here for source.

You must be clean in God’s eyes.

If Muslims and Jews don’t accept Jesus, the lamb of God who died for their sins, do they offer 1,000,000 burnt offerings? Or are Muslims and jews sinless?

How do they see themselves as worthy of God?

The details of Jesus’ life are left to faith. Let’s be honest, it’s too late to learn the history of the church and what really happened in the council of Nicaea. Is the entire new testament forged and the rest of the writings deemed unfit at that time thrown away or hidden only to be accidentally rediscovered as the dead sea scrolls? This belief is popular in the atheistic community.

Is the life of Jesus in the new testament accurate or plagiarized?

Were there really 3 kings who visited him as an infant? Did he really turn water into wine?

We don’t know for sure, it’s left to faith.

What we know for sure is the son of God came on earth for our sins. This was written in the old testament, long before the council of Nicaea or Jesus birth.

Genesis 3:15
Isaiah 53:5
Daniel 7:13-15

“I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.

And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.

I Daniel was grieved in my spirit in the midst of my body, and the visions of my head troubled me.”

Many of the new testament is based on faith alone, but the son of God dying for humanity is evident and required little faith.

Even Muslims accept Jesus as one of the prophets.

Since humanity needs a savior, those who accepted Jesus as mediator are in the correct church.

The original Christianity is founded by Saint Peter (authorized by Jesus himself. Matthew 16:18) famously known by the Latin name given to them in the council of Nicaea = “catholic”, meaning “universal” which branched off to two parties, those who accepted the authority of Pope’s (Saint Peter’s successor) known as Roman Catholic, and those who reject the corrupt Popes, also known as the Orthodox Catholic.

Pope’s are humans, but if you can’t respect their authority how are you gonna respect God’s authority? If tithing or buying indulgences bothers you (which was one of the main reason Protestants split. We still buy indulgences today, such as lighting a candle for our departed, each candle cost up to $1) how would you have reacted if God asked you to sacrifice your son like He asked Abraham to test him?

Why leave the Catholic church because of corruption while still on earth? Where will you go on earth to avoid corruption?

Leaving the Catholic Church because of “corruption” is like leaving jail to go to prison. There’s no organization that’s free from corruption. Many Protestant pastors are caught with prostitutes, there are pedophile teachers, police who love killing, politicians who love stealing, babysitters who abuse kids, etc.

The Catholic Church will always be corrupt because there’s no corrupt free organization, humans are corrupt. The body is the temple of God. Look at how corrupted your body is. Even God cannot assemble a corrupt free church. His prophets denied him. Even after the Pentecost, Saint Paul was quarreling with the other apostles. If Jesus cannot establish a sinless church, what made you think anyone can?

There will be dumb bishops telling you to take the vaccine.

There will be priests watching porn.

There will be pastors stealing money and having sex with prostitutes.

Many Protestants understand this so they claim to be “non-denominational” which is contradictory, there’s no such thing. Christianity is a denomination, you follow doctrines, codes, the scriptures, etc aka “denomination”. If anyone goes to these “non-denominational” churches and refuses to follow their doctrines, they will be kicked out. A Christian Church claiming to be non-denominational is like a Chinese guy claiming to be non-Asian.

So why do these Protestants lie and claim to be “non-denominational”?

The answer is because they REFUSE to see the log in their own eyes. They always attack the Catholic church, calling it the whore of Babylon, idol worshippers, etc. And by saying they are “non-denominational”, they hope it hides all their dirt (whether it’s having sex with multiple women in their congregation like the cult David Karesh or abusing donation money).

They claim to believe in the bible but when the bible support praying to saints who departed this earth (During transfiguration where Jesus prayed to Moses and Elijah, whom protestants call “dead saints”) then they’ll reject that scripture. Even prayer to Mary is in the bible (book of Luke, etc.) as well as forgiveness of sins by priests (book of James, book of john, corinthians, etc.) and praying to the altar of gold we call the eucharist (ark of the covenant in the bible) which Protestants call “idol worship”.

These Protestants are ignorant of the bible which they claim to believe.

Through their ignorance, many of them believe all Christians went to hell for the first 1,521 years because every one of them was a Catholic prior to the reformation in 1521. Saint Augustine, Saint Francis of Assisi, etc all went to hell because they were members of the Catholic church which they call “the whore of Babylon”.

Numbers 14:9-15 showed us how people hate God’s authority for selfish reasons.

The Pope is a sinner like Saint Peter.

The Pope is NOT the church.

The Pope sins like you and me.

2023 UPDATE: The magisterium (Pope united with bishops) is NOT infallible. Don’t let the brainwashed Catholics tell you otherwise. 2023’s document called Fiducia supplicans is proof the magisterium is not infallible and can be heretical. Pope’s infallibility is NOT taught traditionally or scripturally but a man made HOAX inserted into the church by the enemy.

The word “couple” and the word “union” means the same thing, to say “bless the homosexual couples but not their union” is contradictory.

Those who stand for nothing will fall for anything. Protestants who call the Pope ‘Satan’ are openly supporting promiscuous millionaires like Donald Trump who was married and divorced a few times and slept with porn stars but they call him “Christ-like”.

If the Pope says homosexuality is ok, then he is WRONG.

If the Pope punches a girl’s face, then the Pope is WRONG.

If the Pope says you should take the vaccine, then the Pope is WRONG.

Again, the Pope is not the church but a human who sins like you and me.

There are saints who claim some popes went to hell just as Judas went to hell. You can be a angel or apostle of God and still choose to disobey God, and many has.

Yes, the catholic church have power, how else could Christianity reach every corner of the earth as prophesied in the book of Daniel? Without the Catholic Church’s power, Protestants wouldn’t own a bible (some Protestant churches are racist, misinterpreting the bible to oppress blacks in the south). But that power is limited to spreading the gospel, other than that, the catholic church is constantly attacked by the media.


Roman Catholic Church always believed the earth is young, under 7000 years old, for over a thousand years. Modern day Catholics and bishops are the problem, they believe anything with the word “science” attached to it.

Martyrologium Romanum, 1584, a liturgical document from the Magisterium (Pope united with the bishops) i.e. “lex crendendi lex orandi”, the law of the Catholic Church.

Calendar of the Church’s feast days:

“In the 5199th year of the creation of the world, from the time when in the beginning God created heaven and earth; from the flood, the 2957th year; from the birth of Abraham, the 2015th year; from Moses and the going-out of the people of Israel from Egypt, the 1510th year; from the anointing of David as king, the 1032nd year; in the 65th week according tothe prophecy of Daniel; in the 194th Olympiad; from the founding of the city of Rome, the 752nd year; in the 42nd year of the rule of Octavian Augustus, when the whole world was at peace, in the sixth age of the world: Jesus Christ, the eternal God and Son of the eternal Father, desiring to sanctify the world by His most merciful coming, having been conceived by the Holy Ghost, and nine months having passed since His conception was born in Bethlehem of Juda of the Virgin Mary, having become man. The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to the flesh.”

The monarchy is complaining about people’s lack of compliance to authority. On the other hand, the monarchy cut ties with the authority of the Catholic Church (The Church of England is the religion of monarchy, which split ties with the Catholic church. Queen Elizabeth is the head of the monarchy today).

The monarchy supports gay marriage, the Catholic church does not.

What authority do you follow? Do you follow the authority of God or evil?

2020 update:

The “true church” shut down over a non existent virus…. Leaders of the Catholic church don’t know viruses don’t exist, yet claims to know the secret to eternal life..

Is there even a “true church”? There is, but it’s more complex.

Just as the ark of the covenant didn’t save the Israelites (1 Samuel 4) your membership to the “true church” isn’t going to save you from God’s wrath. Ultimately the “true church” is the body, the temple of God. It was thousands of years ago, it still is today.

The Catholic church or even the ark of the covenant where God dwells cannot save you… You can save you. Your heart is the true church. You make decisions for you, whether to take the vaccine, become gay, see a stripper, go to different churches, etc. The Catholic Church cannot help you because the PEOPLE who makes up the church are composed of IGNORANT sinners, no different than 4,000+ years ago in the days of Noah, Moses, Samuel, David etc. where the “chosen” people of God cannot be saved based on their race or title.

“True churches” may cave in for secular politicians, homosexuality, stop prayers and gathering over a virus that don’t exist, etc.

Your heart and love for God is the true church, but that doesn’t mean God doesn’t dwell on the ark of the covenant or the sacrament of the eucharist, He still does. You’re heart and love of God however comes first, the building is second.

Sabbath was made FOR MEN. Not men for the sabbath (Mark 2:27)

MOST “Christians” may participate in theft or murder like they did in World War 2. Many even helped gather and kill children in concentration camps. Only few Catholics resisted the Nazi regime. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be today and tomorrow. Society haven’t changed.

The true church is in your heart. It’s not the pope or leaders of the Catholic church where MOST are brood of vipers shutting down churches, shutting down prayers because they idolize secular politicians and billionaires. However, the eucharist is still the ark of the covenant despite those surrounding it are doomed to death

Luke 17: 21= “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, 👉 the kingdom of God is within you.👈

Your body (the temple of God) participating in the sacraments of the catholic church (Orthodox, Roman, Eastern catholic= the Word) is like the bride meeting the groom, in unity, they become as one. That’s the true church, that’s the true religion.

Secret to Health:

I haven’t been treated by a doctor for sickness in about 20 years (I see a doctor for a mandatory job physical every 2 years which I pass every time).

I’m not anti-doctor or anti-science. I’m pro real medicine that’s why I don’t see doctors when I’m sick anymore because they’re just legal drug dealers who can’t cure anything (typing the evidence for this claim is a long story, going back to 1995).

In that span of 20 years, I fought over 50x from amateur boxing and sparring in MMA. Got tkoed a few times, nearly choked out, paralyzed from the waist down from a bicycle accident. Tore my chest from bench pressing 315 lbs (YouTube video embedded below) dislocated my ankle 360 degrees and cured it in 7 days (photo proof below). I lost count of how many serious injuries I received in the span of 20 years, yet I never saw a doctor those entire time.

(If you think I’m exaggerating, then you’re possibly a weak vagina who runs to the doctor for as little as a flu. I’ve sparred in grappling class about 3x a week and at times will leave the class coughing up blood because of a arm wrapped around my neck, no light sparring. I rode my motorized bike without brakes and used my foot as a brake. I bike every week, over 30+ miles and usually always falls for speeding and this is a weekly occurrence for YEARS. Everything I type here are facts, video proof below).

I shower and brush my teeth usually every week (As a truck driver, I wanna finish my 7-day trip first before showering).

I’m currently 40 years old, bench press over 300 lbs raw (I don’t even lift weights regularly or take supplements like those weak gym-goers).

I became partially bald around 2011 due to letting my hair grow long but regrew them all back so now I have no bald spots whatsoever, without medicine or doctor’s help.

I caught my first disease (besides acnes) called athlete’s foot around 2012 after 2 years working 12-hour shifts wearing the same boots, and cured it without medicine or doctor’s help.

I’m sharing this because I know how the body works, maybe better than many doctors who’s only good at prescribing drugs.



UPDATE: I’m 41yo now and my body can’t handle too much sugar, I was “invincible” in my 30’s pooping up to 8x a day or more, always moving and working out. Now that I’m getting older, the sugar have no place to go since I don’t sweat or poop as often anymore and it attacks my lips and teeth, which hurts like hell…. If you’re older, avoid eating ice cream and chocolates like I did daily, avoid it altogether. Eat natural foods without high sugar or preservatives.

Since most food nowadays contains toxins and chemicals, always try to blow your nose, spit, and exercise regularly to sweat it off and poop/pea more often so that the toxins and food chemicals are pushed out.


I remember when I was a teenager with painful teeth. My parents would take me to a dentist, who in turn drilled holes and filled it with metal fillings. Those were my ignorant days where I didn’t know how to cure my body.

Note: I only take full showers weekly but I rinse my face, gargle water in my mouth (which I believe cleans my teeth enough without brushing it), and wash my hands maybe 8x a day. I don’t wanna portray myself as a dirty slob, the truth is I hate my hands if dirty and wash it often.

Only one medicine cures all sickness, from a flu which I catch every winter (thanks to my out of state trucking job where I’ll be in warm California, then in 3 days be waiting for a load in Texas during freezing cold temperature) to joint dislocation, to hair loss, to muscle tears, to toothache.

And that medicine is…


But that’s not the secret, the secret is *how* to win a fight.


So how do you win a fight?

Make sure life goes “your way”. In your own time, when you’re ready. Make your own rules as long as it doesn’t contradict the laws of God.

Create words. If they accept it, you live. If they reject it, you die. If you want to live, make your words convincing, better yet, unite it with THE WORD and not only you’ll win, but may also find the cure to everything.

I confess I can’t completely share the secret. I don’t want millions of men walking around like me, bench pressing 300+ lbs raw, run a mile in 7+ minutes, move fast as lightning, etc

But I’ll type a clue and if you have common sense, you should figure it out.

Look at all animals, observe what position they are in when showing dominance, and observe them when they are vulnerable.

When you figure out what position they are in when dominant, train in that position.

And never train unless you can do that training anywhere and anytime.

You also need tools to push you. I use the vintage Jeanie rub massager below which you can buy used on eBay for $40.

And inject yourself in the world but not of the world. Be a part of the community, for a good reason. Teamwork is always better than alone.

You can be a part of society without being influenced by it. I’ve been surrounded by alcoholics and smokers my entire life yet I’ve never been drunk or high or influenced by them.

And even if you know all the secrets to health, you’re mortal and no amount of equipment and knowledge will save you.

My hair is turning grey, the injury I took from bench pressing isn’t %100 cured, though I can still hit 300+ lbs, certain movement gives me discomfort. Not even surgery can cure serious injuries.

What I learned about longevity isn’t divinely inspired, I learned it from fighting fearlessly against anyone who’s man enough to face me. It was through this experience I learned how the body operates.

Any sickness being “deadly” and permanent is a lie, they can all be cured by prayers, abstinence, and fighting.


In the past year, I’ve challenged everyone I encounter on Facebook and YouTube to show me where this deadly coronavirus is, and $2,000 bet nothing will happen to me if I swallow it live on video. I told them to screenshot my challenge and send it to the CIA, CDC, FBI, etc.

Zero. No one took my challenge.

Man is the greatest of all creation, not the mythical virus and not bacteria. We are created in the image of God.

Check the link below for more details about the virus hoax.

The End.



The Copernican model they brainwashed you in school is a lie. The sun revolves around the earth, not vice versa. Instead of the procession of the equinox taking “25,000 solar years,” it only takes 79 years and YOU can observe it with your own eyes.

Click here for demo then click “run” on the right side.


Earth spins 1,000mph (calculate it using Google map and airline ETA when it gets dark or sunny).

Counter spins in the universe (counterbalance) are the reason why you don’t fly into orbit.

This is how camera gimbals work. Your camera remains still despite you shaking and running, also called the gyroscopic effect.

Multiple counter spins in the universe give us gravity and the laws of physics. Watch YouTube videos of a ball spinning, and it will semi float.

Planets spinning fast gives them the “floating in space” effect.

There’s no useless planets. Every spin of planets like Mars, etc, is part of the laws of physics on earth.

Check out the code of Fibonacci and the golden ratio.

‘VERY LARGE UNIVERSE’ with billions of planets spinning are part of the gears that give you mobility on earth.

Like a car’s transmission, multiple round gears spinning gives your car the desired mobility YOU CHOOSE. There’s more planets spinning (gears) in the universe compared to transmission because your movement is more complex than cars.

Escaping Earth’s atmosphere, which spins fast with counter spin from other planets, is like putting your fingers between transmission gears while the car is moving 100mph. It will disintegrate like meteors. Nothing enters or escapes Earth’s firmament…

Moon/Mars landing is a hoax.

NASA has a studio in Roswell New Mexico, Area 51 Nevada desert, Alaska, etc, to fool gullible people.

This is why your soul is potentially immortal because the “laws of physics” (the light and planetary gears) that sustains your body will still be around after your body dies.

Video of the Tychos model by Tycho Brahe (1546-1601).

Antikythera Mechanism, c. 150 BC(?)

The mechanism had several clock dials, each with a different function for measuring movements of the sun, moon, stars, and planets, but were all operated by a single main crank. There were small stone or glass spheres moving on the front of the machine to show the motion of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter in the sky. (NAMA – National Archaeological Museum in Athens, Greece).


The mechanism also had dials that count the days according to different calendars. For example, a solar calendar that shows 365 days of the year and a lunar calendar that counts a 19-year lunar cycle. The mechanism’s calendar dial could turn the scale back every four years to compensate for the extra quarter of the astronomical year.

Something like this supposedly wasn’t invented until the 14th century, when the oldest gear clocks began to be built in Europe.


The bible mostly talks about the Middle East/Europe (where Christianity originated) because all life were wiped out in a global flood before Genesis 9 and restarted with Noah’s family, whose ark landed on the Mt. Ararat and from there steadily repopulated the entire earth approx 4,500 years ago.

So we lost all the documentation prior to 4,500 years ago. People dwelling in North and South America, Russia, Australia, China, etc, before 4,500 years ago DIED. They are known as “before history” or “pre history.”

We have documentation of all GLOBAL history after 4,500 years ago, from 1940’s and all the way to the oldest Chinese Dynasty (1000 bc) and the oldest civilization of Babylon/Sumeria (2000 bc) where indo civilization (Hinduism) came from.

Before that, we had NO DOCUMENTATION because they were ERASED…

There were MILLIONS of people all over the world in the 2000 years between Adam and Noah (up to 300 million if we use the current population growth, details in CHAPTER 2). All the human bones that died after the flood are explained with expanding earth, which is the ORIGINAL geological explanation (nearly 200 years old), OLDER than pangea theory HOAX that replaced it in 1950’s.

Both creationists and evolutionists are working together to hide this truth from all of you. Like “democrats vs Republicans” or “fox vs. cnn” putting on a show of conflict but in reality are working together to DUMB DOWN THE MASSES.

When earth was covered in floodwaters, it had to EXPAND to expose the dry land underneath it. This happened in Genesis 10 during the days of Peleg. During the expansion, earth acquired over %70 new landmasses, which BURIED all the corpses that died from the flood.

This is why the OLDEST book of Enoch in Ethiopia says the fallen angels were BURIED under mountains and rocks (Enoch 8:1, 10) as punishment for their wickedness that resulted in the global flood.

Try this experiment with a balloon, sprinkle dust on it, then blow it up with more air so it expands. What happens to the dust? It falls to the side.

Most life that died from the flood are on the ocean floor, only few are discoverable in dry land…

Preflood men built all the GIANT REFRIGERATORS all over the world, aka “the great pyramids,” and the giza pyramid is only one of many.


  1. Gunung Padang pyramid Indonesia.
  2. Great Pyramid of Cholula
  3. Pyramid of the Sun
  4. La Danta El Mirador
  5. City of Caral-Supe Peru.

There were NOT enough descendants of Noah to build all these GIANT pyramids (refrigerators) AFTER the flood.

Maybe enough to build the Giza pyramid but not for the ones in Peru and Indonesia, which are even BIGGER.

They are called “out of place” artifacts because NONE OF THEM are documented in history.

In the near future, we may discover more of these PRE-FLOOD or PREHISTORIC monuments.

They CANNOT be built using primitive tools under the same gravity and atmosphere today in a SHORT TIME (erecting over 500 ton pillars). This is why they introduced “ALIEN TECHNOLOGY” to explain how they were built very fast.

You’ll need hundreds of years to move and DESIGN those monolithic monuments, and there’s no room for it in documented history (erecting 300-ton pillars is NOT the same as designing a castle. 5yo scribbling on paper is not equivalent to Mona Lisa’s painting).

So they are considered “out of place” or “pre history” or “pre flood.”

They were all built when earth was smaller with weaker gravity by GIANTS, and you can see the encryptions on its walls.

In summary, all of documented history is under 6,000 years. The universe was created *ABOUT* 6,000 years ago (under 7,000 years) and that’s a FACT.

2 Peter 3:8.

God created the universe in 6 days, and rested in the 7th day. If a day is like a thousand years to God, maybe after 6,000 years (6th day) judgment day will happen? Just my opinion.


Last evidence of God so you have no excuse:

1. Life only comes from pre existing life (law of biogenesis) as God said, He breathed life into Adam.

2. All the necessary features of living organisms;  Movement, Respiration, Sensitivity, Growth, Reproduction, Excretion and Nutrition all these have to be working for life to begin.  Furthermore, since a cell’s energy, information storage, and metabolic machinery all depend on one another, the first cell could NOT arise through natural processes since all the intricate systems have to sprang up at once.

3. Kinds only produce after their kind, farmers plant corn and always get corn, sheep always give sheep as the Bible claims.

4. Codes like DNA dont generate themselves, eg smoke signals, drum beats, pictographs,  alphabet, braille, morse, binary code, music notation etc. More so with DNA which is a 4-D code.

5. Of the four nucleic acids in the DNA helix, one (cytosine) is NOT found naturally, so who synthesized it?

6. All programs like the program of life needs a programmer.

7. A program without information does absolutely nothing.

8. Information does not come from a rock, information can only come from an intelligent source/sender.  In short evolution can’t explain how the information and code system in DNA could arise.

9. The coded information (a whole new field of bioinformatics now exists) in the DNA can be read forward and reverse direction, we don’t have any book that can do that.  DNA contains a genetic language. For it to be called a language, it must contain an alphabet or coding system, correct spelling, grammar (a proper arrangement of the words), meaning and an intended purpose.  Scientists have found the genetic code has all of these elements.

10. Epigenetics are multiple algorithms that turn gene switches on and off, gene expression/regulation etc, its a means of influencing our dna to specific environmental conditions.

11. Encryption of the genetic dna code, nothing says intelligent design better than encryption. The word denotes design, intent, planning, purpose.. The number and level of discoveries being made in biology that support intelligent design is overwhelming.

“More than a hundred RNA modifications have been identified with roles in both inhibiting and facilitating binding to proteins, DNA and other RNA molecules. This encryption by RNA modification is a way to prevent the message of the RNA in being read by the wrong recipients.”  That spells intelligent design.

12. Irreducible complexity.

13. Symbiotic relationships.

14. Biomimetics.

15. The Flagellum and ATP synthase motors.  Eg.  The cell needs ATP to store energy and transfer it. But in order to make ATP, you have to have at least six ATP already. ATP is a compound that needs itself to make itself.

16. The DNA repair mechanism runs contrarily to evolution.

17. And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh and made a woman.  Science shows the rib can regrow, why didnt the Bible say God took out a leg bone or a finger or a lock of his hair?  How did these goat herders know about the rib?

18. The 7 day week, every culture in the world has the Bible creation week as their standard working week.

19. The Bible says there’s only one human race, and DNA analysis has proved it.

20. Anyone who understands statistical analysis can plot the geneological ages of the main characters in the Bible and can fit a curve that has an r-value of 0.9, now thats a pretty good fit for 40 goat herders that wrote it over 1500 yrs and never heard of statistics.

21. The Anthropic Principle – According to growing numbers of scientists, the laws and constants of nature are so “finely-tuned,” and so many “coincidences” have occurred to allow for the possibility of life, the universe must have come into existence through intentional planning and intelligence.

How can a beryllium isotope having the minuscule half life of 0.0000000000000001 seconds must find and absorb a helium nucleus in that split of time before decaying. This occurs only because of a totally unexpected, exquisitely precise, energy match between the two nuclei. If this did not occur there would be none of the heavier elements. No carbon, no nitrogen, no life. Our universe would be composed of hydrogen and helium.


About me:

Me mocking young earth creationists 5+ years ago thinking they’re brainwashed and dumb. In reality it was me who was brainwashed and dumb.

Just a ordinary truck driver for 15 years. I went to a private Catholic school in Philippines in 1985, was taught Darwinian evolution, big bang theory, and all the billions of years fairy tale you learned in public school…. I believed them all to be possibly true (not as a fact, I’m not that dumb) until I wanted to prove Protestants wrong with their young earth worldview, it was during this investigation, 4+ years ago, at the age of 37yo, when I discovered the TRUTH, abandoned my scientism beliefs, and embraced young earth creationism.